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The Daily Update...

"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson
31st of Jul 2022

2022-07-31 19:11:08 CET Last day of July, last day of a weekend. We enjoyed a great breakfast on the terrace (despite of the unstable weather) with nice coffee this morning. Feels like ages ago...

I did some stuff around the house, tried to get some time for writing but it seemed like something always came in between. It's time for the big Raspberry Pi SD card backup task. It went well for all except one - the Micro SD card in the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W is giving me issues... Not sure what it can be yet.

At least I could finished the last work on the "cupboard shelf support" "cupboard shelf support" turned out perfectly. I only had a gray piece of wood that would fit in the cupboard.

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-07-31 19:11:56 CET Did you know... that today in 2006 Fidel CastroRead more about him on Wikipedia. hands over power to his brother, Raúl.

29th and 30th of Jul 2022

2022-07-30 14:19:44 CET I slept in this morning, it's a very long time that I slept so late! Yesterday was a family birthday party for H. Very nice atmosphere, but sometimes BBQ is a lot of work! Especially if you prepare two kinds of fishes (salmon and rainbow trout), shrimps, sausages, Lamb chops and pork tenderloin (marinated since yesterday), potatoes and bacon wrapped green asparagus...and probably something else I forget. It was just too much, the romanticised idea of loosely stand there with a glass of wine being relaxed just didn't happen. But it was nice that the result was OK and people seemed to enjoy it.

I started a 3D print project It turned out great - quality and it also fits perfectly in the cupboard. The other one is already printing, I will post a picture of the finished result. - a new idea and design from scratch. The idea is to create a "cupboard shelfs support fixation". We have noticed that the shelf in the cupboard have issues supporting the weight (constantly more stuff in there) and we need a support.

Yesterday was a very busy day at work, busier than my first day. It seemed that people started noticed that I was back then; a lot of unplanned calls for status updates.

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-07-30 14:20:06 CET Did you know... that today in 1502 Christopher ColumbusRead more about him on Wikipedia. lands at Guanaja in the Bay Islands off the coast of Honduras during his fourth voyage.

28th of Jul 2022

2022-07-28 21:05:41 CET OK, first day back after holiday is done. It was a bit of getting used to, getting into the groove of working again. I had about a backlog of 1500 emails to work through. By the end of the day I had an OK grip of most of them. At least I think I have a plan, a list of priority, to focus on.

By recommendations from J, we have started watching the TV series, it's one Amazon Prime, called "The Boys" Read more about it on It's really different and nice. Really refreshing to see!. A very different show, nothing you've seen before. It's so refreshing seeing something new it and I can really recommend it.

I also took the time to work a little bit in the garden, the filter in the pond needed to be cleaned. I did a basic cleaning (my back felt a bit "strange" today and I listen to the signals) and some small stuff around in the garden. H. did most of the work, preparing it for a birthday family BBQ that we've planned for tomorrow.

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-07-28 21:05:28 CET Did you know... that today in 1896 the city of Miami, Florida Read more about it on Wikipedia. is incorporated.

27th of Jul 2022

2022-07-27 21:18:30 CET It's here, the last day of my holiday. Well, holiday #1 at least. I have to check for the upcoming holiday in Sweden as well, allt the documents needed for my passport and ID card that I reserved some 30 days ago.

I got the spareparts that I need to start with J's moped. It's an odd thing that I am doing, the clutch is not coming together as I expected. I am really not a mechanic enough to see what's going on and I need another night to figure it out. I had to adjust the parts I bought this morning, all went fine. Interesting work for sure and I learned something as well.

I wrote some more today, it went better than yesterday for sure. I could write now and then, so that was all good. For dinner we ordered Sushi and with it some really nice wine. All very nice!

I had a look at the laptop that J need for his studies. Interesting, I like to check it out, nothing special is needed though. The main thing is that it has to be Microsoft Office compatible - add about 1/3 of the costs thus.

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-07-27 21:19:00 CET Did you know... that today in ...what ever. I really didn't find anything interesting to post interesting is it that today in 1955 the Austrian State Treaty Read more about it on Wikipedia ...if you want. restores Austrian sovereignty...?

26th of Jul 2022

2022-07-26 23:19:25 CET It was a strange and annoying day today. Nothing went according to plans. But really; nothing. The timing was simply not right in anything I did, everything was a "struggle", if you know what I mean. Simply; a shit day.

A perfect example was the planned activity to finally fix the moped (this time it is the wire for the clutch that broke off some time back). First; the plan that J and I were doing it didn't happened (I'll just leave it with that, without any details) and then when I finally could go for the spareparts, the shop was closed...

Anyway, just best to go to bed and hope for a better day tomorrow. The last day of my holiday...

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-07-26 22:53:33 CET Did you know... that today in 1579 Francis Drake Read more about him on Wikipedia., the English explorer, discovers a major bay on the coast of California (San Francisco).

25th of Jul 2022

2022-07-25 18:00:14 CET Yesterday we arrived back home after a perfect holiday perfect holiday! A picture (hosted on WIX for the first time) I took the last morning before we left going back home. . All went so smooth - returning the car at Hertz, the check-in and flight back and finally getting the car back from the long-term parking at the airport in Belgium. Too smooth? I was just waiting for something to go wrong. But so far all went without a glitch. I say "So far", because I still have to get the final confirmation back from Hertz. Remember that "flat tire incident" I wrote earlier about; not sure if that whole "adventure" is included...

Today, we are all "coming back to reality" - unpacking, off-loading and sorting all the pictures we took (must have been about 800 of them in total), updating family and friends and do all of that what "coming back to reality" implicates. Mostly practical stuff that no one wants to hear about...

I also did some small stuff arounds here, I cleaned up and updated "the Random 7" page here Check it out. I have even updated it with some random pictures of Corfu.... Now I am pretty sure that the complete site have the new layout. It's super nice, now finally we all can enjoy a perfect website!

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-07-25 17:52:18 CET Did you know... that today in 2019 National extreme heat records set this day in the UK, Belgium, The Netherlands and Germany during the July 2019 European heat wave Read more about it on Wikipedia..

18th and 24th of Jul 2022

2022-07-25 15:35:16 CET You might have noticed the pause in updates on the website. No drama, we went on holiday and I did not bring a laptop to work on the webpage. I figured there wouldn't be much time for it. Also, it's good with a little "holiday" from the "daily update" website...

We travelled to the Corfu island (in Greece of course) for 8 days of holiday. And what a holiday it was, a fantastic time. I was there about 25 years ago with my friend J and have only fond memories of it. How would it be coming back again? It was all perfect. In fact, it actually didn't change that much. The people are still extremely friendly, the pace is relaxed and the roads are really crap. 25 years ago we were driving around on mopeds, this time we drove around in a car. At times I missed the moped on the narrow and often unpaved mountain roads...

We explored the island, enjoying the nature and the tourist attractions with a balanced schedule to also leave enough time for relaxing. We saw and experienced a lot, every day was an adventure of some sort. Everything from discovering new breathtaking beauty, flat tire in 40 degrees heat and to be completely lost in the middle of nowhere with the car. It was certainly a special time that I will cherish for the rest of my life...

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-07-25 15:35:53 CET Did you know... that today in 2019 Boris JohnsonRead more about him on Wikipedia. becomes Prime Minister of the United Kingdom after defeating Jeremy Hunt in a leadership contest, succeeding Theresa May.

16th and 17th of Jul 2022

2022-07-25 15:27:10 CET This is just a placeholder for the days that passed - 16th and 17th. I can't really recall any-longer what happened in details, just that it was a hectic time to get all done before the holiday...

14th and 15th of Jul 2022

2022-07-15 22:59:45 CET Had a great day today with H and the parents in law - did an excursion to Fort Liefkenshoek and Lillo. You get there best with a boat from Antwerp (close by "Het Steen" Read more about it on Wikipedia.)

Tomorrow is a busy day, a lot of things to do arrange before we can leave on holiday. One worrying thing is that when we arrived home today our cat Mokka seems not to be feeling well. She doesn't want to eat too much and, I could be wrong, but it looks like she is swollen around one eye. I suspect that she was stung by a wasp. We will have to monitor it closely...

OK, I am so tired after the excursion (and a very short night last night) today. It was fantastic weather - a lot of sun today. A quick check on Mokka and then time for bed

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-07-15 22:59:35 CET Did you know... that today in 1799 the Rosetta Stone Read more about it on Wikipedia. is found in the Egyptian village of Rosetta by French Captain Pierre-François Bouchard during Napoleon's Egyptian Campaign.

13th of Jul 2022

2022-07-13 18:34:44 CET First day of my holiday is turning into evening and I do not understand where it went. J could sleep in (the plan was for yesterday, but then we had a dentist appointment that I completely forgot until the evening before) without any alarm clock set. The same was for me too.

OK, I know perfectly well where a couple of hours went to... work! They called about an issue and I had to help out a bit. Luckily, a colleague assisted with the hands-on stuff.

This evening we expect some of J:s friends over for an "HP", as the youth say here! HP, you may wonder, yes it stands for "Home Party".

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-07-12 23:14:18 CET Did you know... that today in 1928 Sven Davidson Read about him on Wikipedia., Swedish-American tennis player was born.

12th of Jul 2022

2022-07-12 23:07:06 CET I am just back from watering the garden, it's been crazy warm today. The last couple of days have been really warm in fact, but the worst is yet to come. On Sunday they predict it's going to be 38 C. here.

Today was my last working day before my holiday! As usual it was much too much to do - normal work load and then handover and finishing up and preparing for the next two weeks. I just hope I didn't forget anything critical...

I am also happy that I could 3d print some stuff today - a baseball stand and cover on a jar used for catching flies and wasps. Very specific, but always fun to design and see the final result. I printed them with the Prusa machine - I just love that machine!

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-07-12 23:14:18 CET Did you know... that today in 1962 the Rolling Stones Read more about them on Wikipedia. perform for the first time at London's Marquee Club.

11th of Jul 2022

2022-07-11 16:25:16 CET The working day is getting to an end and tomorrow is the last working day before the holiday!!! I am so looking forward to it. The weather forecast is looking really good as well .

Earlier today, I worked to get the Stuff The Stuff page was also converted into the new format. page updated to the new layout. Slowly but steadily it's getting organized even around here.

A couple of days ago I started checking out a new product called iA Presenter Maybe it sounds familiar? - iA Writer maybe? Yes, it's the brilliant "word processor" of my choice.. It's currently in Beta and users have to request to get access (on Mac only for now). I did it some time ago and received it a while back. I am still discovering it, but so far it looks really promising and I love the product so far. More to come! You can follow the link and discover more by your own...

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-07-11 16:24:48 CET Did you know... that today in 1897 Salomon August Andrée Read more about him on Wikipedia. leaves Spitsbergen to attempt to reach the North Pole by balloon.

9th and 10th of Jul 2022

2022-07-10 14:49:35 CET Yesterday was the day we have been waiting for - J came home. It was of course great knowing that he enjoyed the time, kicking back relaxing and to just hanging with his friends without any worries and "musts". We were really happy for him and his friends. But still, egoistically seen, it's always the best feeling to have him back home.

I think that yesterday was the first day we had for our self. We enjoyed it to the fully!

So, the car was fully charged (not that it was needed) for the 200+ km trip back and forth to Rotterdam airport. The flight was delayed by 1 hour and With some detour due to road constructions on A20 I arrived there at around 01:00. It was simply fantastic to see his face again. "Man, he is a handsome man", was my first thought with a heart filled with proudness.

The whole group looked like zombies, exhausted but very content and happy. We quickly loaded the car - all luggage fitted fine - and started the trip back. The trip back and dropping everyone off went smooth and we could go to bed just before 03:00

We have only begun hearing the stories. More stories to come, we have to be patience. It is very clear that it was for sure an eventful trip for sure. I am grateful that there were no more serious accidents than sprains, scratches and heartbreaks!

2022-07-10 15:31:39 CET We could sleep in this morning and have a very relaxed start. Nice coffee and breakfast on the terrace - a magic morning, all together again.

2022-07-10 21:57:09 CET It was a fantastic day at home completely enjoying the garden. Mostly we worked in the garden and enjoyed the result The bigger work was laying the border - digging out the furrow, get all the cobblestones that we had to find/dig out and carry back. Heck of a job! . The reddish wood shavings you see was placed and moistened with care. The complete garden was watered (drenched) with collected water (we have huge water tanks that collects the water and I installed a water pump).

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-07-08 16:23:35 CET Did you know... that today in 1938 begins Howard Hughes Read more about him on Wikipedia. a 91-hour airplane flight around the world that will set a new record.

8th of Jul 2022

2022-07-08 16:23:19 CET It's been a very nice, warm and sunny day today. I could enjoy nice coffeeVery nice type of Douwe Egberts coffee. this morning during work and in all the calls.

A lot of work was done in the garden and setting everything ready to be able to enjoy our haven during the summer. It's a very nice place Nice little terrace to sit and enjoy the outside. to wander around when time allows - micro holidays to charge the batteries when handling everything from trivial small little things to life changing stuff.

J will be back tomorrow night, it will be very late when we are back from Rotterdam airport, I will go and get J and some of his friends. It will be NICE to have him home again!

Neighbour ladies M and D are on their way over, we will enjoy the evening together on the terrace...

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-07-08 16:23:35 CET Did you know... that today in 1497 Vasco da GamaRead more about him on Wikipedia. sets sail on the first direct European voyage to India.

7th of Jul 2022

2022-07-07 14:19:58 CET A typical workday today with a lot of things to do and some calls. The weather is more unstable than last couple of days which makes it easier to be inside working.

I forgot to mentioned that we finalized J's registration process for the KdG University He is inscribed in "International Entrepreneurship" at KdG University in Antwerp. Now he should be ready for September! in Antwerp. That is also really exciting stuff!

It feel so nice that the holiday, at least the first part, is planed. The car rental (with the upgrade) was also completed today, the final registration was completed. I still have one critical thing to book, the parking at the airport in Brussels. All nice stuff to look forward to!

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-07-07 14:24:22 CET Did you know... that today in 1865 the four conspirators in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln Read more about it on Wikipedia. are hanged.

6th of Jul 2022

2022-07-06 23:07:17 CET Hooray, it's done...

...And we booked, payed and confirmed the summer holiday #1 of 2022. We booked an apartment Check out their homepage. The picture show is however a bit annoying on the homepage... in Corfu Greece. It's the second time we use the fantastic elizawashere We used them before and thought they're just perfect. So you actually book the flight, the stay and a rental car all at once. Not cheap, but it's a great concept!. They are great and we are so excited! I especially like that you book the flight (from Amsterdam), the stay and also the rental car in one booking. It's fantastic to have everything in one package and to be able to get around and check out the place as well. I can't wait until the 17th of July (but my holiday starts already on the 13th of July)!

J thought it was great (we had our daily call earlier) and up next up is booking of the holiday in Sweden, we had a quick check and it's going to be a challenge with everything going on for sure!

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-07-06 23:12:10 CET Did you know... that today in 1942 Anne Frank Read more about Anne on Wikipedia. and her family go into hiding in the "Secret Annexe" above her father's office in an Amsterdam warehouse.

5th of Jul 2022

2022-07-05 17:06:55 CET Today was a busy work-day with a lot of catching up on some critical deadlines. Our dear cleaning woman A was also here today and did her magic.

We are soon off to meet up with friend K for a dinner - something that is long overdue.

Since yesterday, without a great success, we started trying to take the time to book something for our holiday . We continued again today just now, but we don't get the time and space to do it. Also, with all the chaos going on at airports and aviation companies we feel a little bit reluctant to book something . I am also seeing the increasing numbers of Covid infections...

Would be nice if we could get hold of J (we heard that they are all just waking up) before we have to leave for our appointment...

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-07-05 17:07:14 CET Did you know... that today in 1841 organises Thomas Cook Read more here on Wikipedia. the first package excursion, from Leicester to Loughborough.

4th of Jul 2022

2022-07-04 22:58:22 CET Today it is US celebration day #1, the 4th of July. I always think about the movie Born on the Fourth of JulyRead more about it on IMDB. I can't believe it was released in 1989...I was 16 then. by Oliver Stone and with Tom Cruise in it.

I didn't have time to write about it any sooner, but we had a great day and evening yesterday! Friends passed by to pick us up for an adventure in Antwerp. First it was time for the escape room called Room of RiddlesEscape games in Antwerp. It was a really great game with such a fun group of people.. Then after that we went for drinks in their "local café" - great place, great ambiance! Then it was time for restaurant. And that was a fantastic place called Little BeirutFantastic restaurant, great food and almost magic atmosphere!.

I took it relaxed today, more or less I was forced to take it easy. We could talk with J in the evening. He had gone to sleep around 06:00, so that was the only option. It was GREAT to hear from him again...

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-07-04 23:02:28 CET Did you know... that today in 1827 slavery is abolished in the State of New YorkRead more on Wikipedia..

2nd and 3rd of Jul 2022

2022-07-03 11:27:17 CET Woke up this morning completely rested, had a fantastic breakfast with wonderful cup of coffee out on the terrace. That is the opposite of Saturday morning. Still very nice, but had the feeling that I never really woke up. Nice breakfast on the terrace, but then the neighbour decided to cut the hedge. That's how it continued the busy Saturday - we had a wedding celebration to go to and then a combined birthday party in the evening. We have plans also today - meetup with friends in a Escape room/restaurant place in Antwerp.

J. seems to have a great time. They enjoyed the beach, the weather and a café already. They also rented bikes and explored the neighbourhood and shops. Last we heard from him yesterday evening, they were preparing to go out clubbing. Hoping to hear from him, but I am sure it's much too early now...

2022-07-03 12:45:18 CET Big news about my Polestar 2 - I finally got the much anticipated software upgrade. Version 2.2 Check out all the new features of the current software version 2.2 here. contains loads of interesting features! I especially was looking forward to 2 things - opening up of the front USB port (play music from USB drive with AudioWagon) and Apple CarPlay Apple CarPlay is finally introduced in Polestar 2. It's looking very nice, this is how it's looking like in my car this morning. integration. That is huge - now my mobile phone is completely integrated as well! There are also other interesting features and fixes like the "acceleration measurement and G-meter". This upgrade might also introduce a bug - tilting down of mirrors when in reverse mode - for some models. I didn't check this yet though...

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-07-03 11:27:47 CET Did you know... that today 1886 Karl Benz officially unveils the Benz Patent-Motorwagen Read more at Wikipedia., the first purpose-built automobile.

1st of Jul 2022

2022-07-01 11:47:21 CET OK, we are already in the middle of summer, already the 1st of July. Crazy! Where did the summer go? We didn't have time to plan our summer holiday yet...

The family party yesterday for J was really nice It was a very nice decorated, Swedish style, table., nice company and foodThe food was ordered at Traiteur Sigrid. It was the first time, but will certainly not be the last....

2022-07-01 13:03:48 CET Some time ago I re-worked/updated the style here on my webpage. I introduced a new format and converted the pages as of 19th of June - any "daily update" posts before that will have a slightly different layout. I am also in the process of converting the "Bookmarks", "Stuff" and "the random 7" pages - I am just done converting the Bookmarks You can find the link to the Bookmarks page in the menu on the bottom right as well. page.

2022-07-01 19:33:50 CET So J left and the first phase of his trip started. I think it will be one of those trips he will remember for the rest of his life. Hopefully for the right reasons! Like my Interrail (times were different 30 years ago!!!) trip to Greece with my dear friend J. The house This is the house J and 7 of his friends have rented for a week. they have rented looks very basic and typical Spanish.

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-07-01 11:48:06 CET Did you know... that today in 1979 Sony introduces the "Walkman" Read more at Wikipedia..