10:30:11 CET Good morning! Enjoyed the Sunday breakfast, time for talking about the week that was.
13:15:11 CETThis icon means it's a techie type of post I am pretty happy with the result of the latest update - this site should look much better in alternative screen resolutions (mobile devices etc). It could be an issue with background images - check it out.
15:30:11 CET Looking forward to the restaurant this evening, seeing friends over a nice meal. Nice! It's been a long time due to something called COVID-19. Man, the pandemic changed our lives...
16:35:11 CETThis icon means it's a techie type of post Check out the new navigation/menu function I added below in the footer. I also standardized the general styling again, the CSS referenced is growing.
10:43:22 CET...what will the day bring?