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The Daily Update...

"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson
31st of March 2022

22:04:04 CET It was a long time ago that I was this sick. It must have been when I was a kid and had the flu. That is at least the memory I have. I have as well Covid. I was not too surprised when I got the result back from the PCR test this morning. It was just a matter of time.

I must admit, it was very nicely followed up by my doctor and the "laboratory of Antwerp" - all the information provided and guidance was professionally done. We have to be in quarantine until Wednesday next week.

I did some work today, not too much but at least a little bit of emailing and preparation. I helped J with his Physics for the test tomorrow and fixed an issue with the document management system I have running called Opendocman (I had to use Apache Php module 7.3 version - the code - "Curly Braces" specifically - is apparently not compatible with latest version).

I feel that I really have to go to bed now...

Did you know? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 22:04:13 CET Did you know... that today in 1918 daylight saving timeRead more about it on Wikipedia. goes into effect in the United States for the first time.

30th of March 2022

11:43:56 CET H tested positive on Covid test this morning! I was still negative according to the self-test, but I made a PCR test later at the doctor. Since I am not feeling great, it's best to have it checked. Especially during these times. On a practical level, I also need the document at work.

I will have the result of the PCR test from the lab sent to me by email earliest this evening.

Did you know? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 11:54:55 CET Did you know... that today in 1939 the Heinkel He 100Read about the fighter airplane that flew 750 km/h. fighter sets a world airspeed record of 745 km/h.

29th of March 2022

20:57:10 CET Today was the coffee needed in the morning, afternoon and evening. I think all of us are sick ...or in certain stages at least...from a cold to pneumonia. Or Covid. Take a pick.

The window cleaner and the cleaning woman both were here at the same time. Busy! We also got deliveries and I had the worst customer experience ever. I happened to get in contact (collision course) with a company called Browns Finance[[tooltip text content]]. This company is providing for account managers for Crypto currency trading. Shitty, shitty company . Luckily my "spider senses" worked (I could sense something was off) and I pulled out in time. But what an ordeal!

I had some important calls today, tomorrow is a day FULL of calls. Not sure from where I will get the energy. With this very inspiring and uplifting post, I better go to bed.

Did you know? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 20:57:55 CET Did you know... that today in 1886 John PembertonRead more on Wikipedia. brews the first batch of Coca-Cola in a backyard in Atlanta.

28th of March 2022

13:09:47 CET Today the coffee tasted extra nice this morning. It was tough getting up and start the day. The weather is brilliant so I will hopefully be able to move out to the garden to work on a presentation tomorrow.

Since J's moped is "out of order" for a while, I set him off at school this morning. The two of us in the car like in the old times ...the traffic was mad though, but I just couldn't get stressed about it.

Covid is all around us at the moment. It's really close upon us, a lot of close colleagues are infected. H and J are luckily negative (for now at least), I will also do the test soon...

13:58:29 CET I have mentioned it before when talking about how I have designed this site - pure HTML and CSS (and the tiniest bit of Javascript in my Gallery page). I am working with the free Fontawesome icons (implemented simply with a CSS reference). Anyways, I discovered that there is a new version - version 6.1.1 - out now with 348Have a look at the new icons in the latest version. new fresh icons to chose from. I have made the updates necessary and released it yesterday.

Did you know? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 13:34:45 CET Did you know... that today in 1910 Henri FabreRead more about it on Wikipedia. becomes the first person to fly a seaplane, the Fabre HydravionThe Fabre Hydravion., after taking off from a water runway near in France.

27th of March 2022

14:32:48 CET It was a great birthday party yesterday, the "escape room" Read about it here, the Escape room at Barn 64 - just a stone-through away from where I live. was actually great fun. A really nice concept, perfectly balanced. After the Escape Room activity, we all met up for dinner at friends M and B - one of the best Paella I have ever tasted!

J also enjoyed his evening, he went for a get-together with his best friends. I guess they all discussed the adventures in Barcelona.

Around 02:00 (which changed to 03:00. Summer is here ) J came home and we could have a nice talk, also interesting stories about what happened in Barcelona. Little by little we are informed. Very nice moment as a parent!

Groggy by the broken night (the summer time didn't help) and other upcoming things are we pulling us through the day. However, it's all worth it as we see the wonderful result. Zombie-like with a tired innerly smile, filled with proudness as parent, are we moseying around...

Did you know? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 13:34:45 CET Did you know... that today in 1886 GeronimoRead more about the Apache warrior Geronimo on Wikipedia., Apache warrior, surrenders to the U.S. Army, ending the main phase of the Apache WarsRead more on Wikipedia..

25th and 26th of March 2022

15:26:52 CET Issues with J's originally scheduled flight back to Brussels yesterday due to Joe Biden's visit to Belgium. The fact that the US president was leaving for Poland yesterday around the same time as J's scheduled arrival in Brussels made it that it had to be rescheduled to an earlier time. A security measure these crazy times apparently. The problem was that was only discovered when they arrived in the airport in Barcelona... 5 hours too late. Luckily they had a new flight in the same day, but very late. At around 01:30 this morning we could pick him up at his school. It was great to see him home again safe.

We are all taking it easy today. Very easy; some minor chores around the house (I used my PS2 to transport hardware for DIY project. It fits surprisingly much in it!) J's has a small get together planned tonight with his best friends and H and I have a birthday party to go to today. It's a funny group of people, I expect nothing less than craziness.

Did you know? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 13:34:45 CET Did you know... that today in 2017 was the Russia-wide anti-corruption protestsRead more on Wikipedia. in 99 cities. The Levada Center survey showed that 67% of surveyed Russians held Putin personally responsible for high-level corruption.

23rd and 24th of March 2022

21:54:58 CET We are just back from meeting friends M and W at the brasserie CiconiaNice food, the food was much better then the service. It was OK, but special attitude to customers I thought.. M could finally come with me in the Polestar and of course I showed a little bit what it's capable of. With all the dust from Sahara, the car really needed a wash. I washed the car by hand today which was actually pretty enjoyable!

Yesterday was brilliant with neighbours M and D. Wonderful to see D back again and doing so well. We could really enjoy each others company to the fully!

The weather have been great the last couple of days. Today I took out the sun chairs in the garden and could enjoy the garden to the fully ...and woke up by my own snoring.

J is coming home tomorrow! I am really looking forward to it so much ! We've missed him, our guy . Can't wait to hear all the stories.

Did you know? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 22:20:02 CET Did you know... that today in 1999 NATO began attacks on YugoslaviaRead more on Wikipedia about the Kosovo war. without United Nations Security Council (UNSC) approval, marking the first time NATO has attacked a sovereign country.

22nd of March 2022

23:05:58 CET We are just back from Mechelen and a great evening out with our friend K. The chores and home projects were put on hold for today. We met up in Het Anker"Het Anker" is a really nice and interesting place located on the out skirts of Mechelen. We will come back for sure! - a brewery, distillery, restaurant and a hotel. Very nice seeing friend K again and hear all the stories.

J seems to enjoy the time in Barcelona, just hoped he'd keep us more in the loop. It can only get better...

I just received not so great news about J's moped - the fixations are really broken and it has to be welded. Damn moped, nothing seems to be easy with that, to put it mildly, piece of shit!

...But now, time for bed and a good book.

Did you know? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 23:06:33 CET Did you know... that today in 2016 three suicide bombers kill 32 people and injure 316 in the 2016 Brussels bombingsRead more about the terrible events on Wikipedia. Lives changed forever that day for so many, close friends of mine included. at the airport and at the Maelbeek/Maalbeek metro station.

21st of March 2022

22:51:10 CET I enjoyed the coffee this morning, one of the items bought during yesterday's "early morning shopping".

I worked on J's moped on Sunday. I took the time now when he's not here to take it apart to research on the rear wheel suspension. I discovered something, something I just did not want to see... cracks on the fixations. But why? Why can it not just be straight forward when it comes to this moped? I'll leave it at that for now, I will post some pictures of the findings and go into the details. I ordered the part already and I will see if it has to be welded. Hopefully someone can help me with that.

Very limited contact with J today, the most vital information was shared I guess. Seems he's doing great over there... Tomorrow I planned to go to the office. First time in such a long time. The problem is that I have important deliveries outstanding not delivered yet, maybe tomorrow? That is some of the new things that developed during the pandemic. Isn't that right? The new normal of always being available - work related, deliveries, phone. Always at disposal since we work from home. Imagine being too later for the doorbell in the morning when showering... I better shower before 08:00, the mailman MIGHT (never does, but you never know) turn up. Well, at home I can perfectly well combine everything. We've had some time to perfect it...

I will see how I have to do tomorrow. More stuff about recent development will come here for sure but for now I will sign out...

Did you know? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 08:10:48 CET Did you know... that today in 1963 Alcatraz Federal PenitentiaryRead more on Wikipedia. (in California) closes.

20th of March 2022

17:10:07 CET It's been an eventful and long day today. Let's say, a very different day. We, most of us, got up at 06:30 to be on time with J for the bus leaving from his school at 08:00. They left for Rotterdam airport where they departed to Barcelona. Schiphol and Eindhoven in the Netherlands are the ones I have been to a couple of times, but never Rotterdam. It's apparently the 3rd biggest airport in the Netherlands.

The when J left in the bus, we started with some planned projects around the house - J's room, the veranda and I also had a very special project that I feel a lot about. Going to a grocery store on a Sunday before 09:00 is completely new to me. Amazing discoveries!

21:21:37 CET OK, but now I am just too tired. To be able to get up at decent hour tomorrow I have to get going to Bed. I can rest assure, heard from J that all was "perfect". That was about it and that's also enough to know as a parent. I know how I was, even worse (but we didn't have any mobile phones) ....poor parents!

I planned a lot more, I have a lot of pics and stuff but I am too tired. I'll share more later... Now, I'll check up on MokkaOur little stray cat living with us, in her own house. and then straight to my blankets!

Did you know? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 17:11:33 CET Did you know... that today in 2010 Eyjafjallajökull in Iceland begins eruptions that would last for three months, heavily disrupting air travel in Europe.

19th of March 2022

20:25:53 CET Today was a special day so far. We've all been busy, but could came together when time allowed it. It's been a cold but clear day, there was a lot of warmth between us though. A little lunch we shared together in the comfort of our terrace. We could shooting some hoops, enjoy deeper discussions between the packing and other chores. Yes, he is leaving on a trip tomorrow morning and we all feel it. Even Mokka seems to understand what's going on, she's acting all weird and wants a lot of attention. Funny how they sense these things, I am convinced cats does.

I have to also mention a great and refreshing movie - you have to see the Adam projectGreat movie, read about it on IMDB.. Surprisingly good - a feel-good-action movie - that we enjoyed together with nice order-out food!

It will be an early morning tomorrow, J has to be dropped off at school before 08:00. Time to get under the blanket thus.

Did you know? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 20:26:28 CET Did you know... that today in 2004 a Swedish DC-3 shot down by a Soviet MiG-15 in 1952 (the Catalina affairSuper interesting reading on Wikipedia.) over the Baltic Sea is finally recovered after years of work.

18th of March 2022

22:28:37 CET J is off with his friends to a home-party. Due to circumstances, I will bring him tonight (in the early hours of the morning). Possibly friends will come with as well. I better go to bed now so that I can bring the youths home.

It's going to be a strange weekend, tomorrow will be the last day before J goes away for a week. He is traveling with the school to Barcelona. It's going to be great, I am excited for him, but it's just feels a little bit strange when we are in these times...

OK, the alarm is set, I am going horizontal...

Did you know? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 22:34:47 CET Did you know... that today in 1990 could Germans in the German Democratic RepublicRead more at Wikipedia. Amazing that it's only 30 years ago... vote in the first democratic elections in the former communist dictatorship.

17th of March 2022

12:54:13 CET OK, I almost for the first time since I started using GitHubMillions of developers and companies build, ship, and maintain their software on GitHub—the largest and most advanced development platform in the world. (a repository and development system in the cloud) there are reports of issues. It's affecting the update of the site and other functions. Interesting, since I was updating this site, amongst other things, first I thought it was due to issues with my code. I didn't expect that there would be such a big issue that hit most users. That's huge!

I see that Github have resolved the issues - I think it was down for about 2 hours.

19:01:59 CET This morning, when I gave Mokka her food, I noticed that there was a thin layer of red dust on my car. Then I remember, I saw in the newsVRT news reporting about the red dust from Sahara. that there are storms above Sahara that brings the red dust up in the atmosphere and drops it all over Europe. We also see a spectacular red sky when that happens. Not that nice to have your car covered in dust though. No matter where it comes from...

Did you know? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 12:54:48 CET Did you know... that today in 1948 Belgium, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom sign the Treaty of Brussels, a precursor to the North Atlantic Treaty establishing NATORead more about NATO on Wikipedia..

16th of March 2022

07:17:02 CET Wide awake at 05:15 and by 06:00 I had checked the scheduled calls and planned out the strategy for the day at work, but also other chores today. All done in the comfort of the bed. I was even planning in a session ont he home trainer before 07:00. But enough is enough, the the smell of coffee hot me and I came to my senses...

OK, I think that is for now. More to update here (one thing being the new design of the website that was communicated to key users yesterday. I am interested in the feedback!), but for now and I will enjoy the coffee and start the day...

22:26:34 CET Seems everyone liked the website/design. It's a go. Maybe some finetuning on the color scheme - the secondary color could be a little bit "brighter". Then there is the logo - the official one - and some content to be updated, but that is normal and something I knew about. But so far what I have seen presented as logos were not very nice. Certainly not matching my design. Overall great news thus! Here is a little sneak peak A little snippet to give you an idea of my design. There are some nice features, check it out here on the staging server. It's not live yet.!!!

Did you know? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 07:23:45 CET Did you know... that today in 1935 Adolf Hitler orders Germany to rearm herself in violation of the Treaty of Versailles. Conscription is reintroduced to form the Wehrmacht.

15th of March 2022

09:48:31 CET Enjoying the coffee and reading news - somewhat worrying news though. Crazy times at the moment, the craziness continues. From pandemic into times of war in Europe. I guess that also follows some sort of historical pattern - recurrently times of "global tension" and instability is coming back. How can it be that humanity (I doubt Putin has any humanity in him though) never learns?

My theory about a returning time cycle is only confirmed if I check historical events. When I was updating the "did you know" post here below, it's difficult finding any event today that is not classified as a war, conflict or a disaster of some sort.

Joyful reading so far, I know. Ehum, let me see... so the new Linux kernel (version 5.17) is getting released, but due to a very specific vulnerability (on AMD computers specifically) issues, it's getting delayed. Linus himself hopes that everything is tested to have the release this Sunday.

Did you know? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 09:49:51 CET Did you know... that today is in 1990 Mikhail GorbachevRead more on Wikipedia. is elected as the first President of the Soviet Union.

14th of March 2022

21:05:33 CET It's really been one of those days when it feels like you never really wake up. Not even coffee got me going. A real blue Monday thus. Can't wait to get to bed, curl up with a good book (article, YouTube clip or of that sort).

Except trying to stay alert today, I took some time to work on the design of a new website - I will write more about it when I can. I believe I mentioned it before, but it's really coming together nicely - I love the framework/platform/setup that I am using. But more on that later.

Did you know? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 21:14:32 CET Did you know... that today is it the international Pi (3.14) day and also thus the of Raspberry Pi !

13th of March 2022

10:04:55 CET I can not believe that it's Sunday already! It was a very nice day yesterday in Antwerp and at the KdG university - had real quality time with J. We did miss H though!

Antwerp was presented with great weather and the brilliant location GroenplaatsHave a look here at Tripadvisor - information and pictures. only added to the wonderful feeling. After the visit we took a stroll around on the nearby shopping street - J showed me some interesting brands/shops like Arte and Carhartt. Wonderful time with nice talks!

I think that the program called "Internationaal Ondernemen" or possibly the program completely led in English called "International Entrepreneurship" were the programs he really liked the best! There was even one called "Supply Chain Management", which is exactly the business I have been working with for the last 20+ years.

Talking about school, J will have to study/prepare some chemistry and reading assignments today while his parents have some other chores to do...

Did you know? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 10:15:21 CET Did you know... that today in 1809 Gustav IV AdolfRead more about it on Wikipedia. of Sweden is deposed in the Coup of 1809Read more about it on Wikipedia..

12th of March 2022

11:45:46 CET Some of us could sleep late this morning, poor H who needs to work today . I was however in need of coffee, J had friends over here before going out. It turned out to be a real treat - it ended up us speaking and laughing with the youth. It's such a nice group of friends J has, very important to have friends like that he can count on. It brings so much joy and stability in an critical period of a teenagers life!

Today is an interesting day - we have an appointment at the universityFind some more from this link about the KdG - Karel de Grote Hogeschool Antwerpen - university.(and I can join); another step in life towards the professional world and growing up. Time goes too fast!

OK, I am sure that there will be some more updates here about today's events!

Quick tip about VSC 12:47:58 CET I did some tweaking in VSC - Visual Studio CodeCheck out the BEST text editor! - my text editor of choice! I have written articles about it and I can't stop praising it and the great functions that are available with the enormous amount of extensions available. Anyway as I mentioned, I made some tweaks and disabled some extensions that I am not using and installed some new. I feel that some of the extensions can cause conflicts and you get a limited function. You have to make sure you only use the extensions you really need. If you're not sure, start by disabling them. That's what I did thus and notice that the Fontawesome extension is really fantastic! I do not have to search for icons on the web anymore. Brilliant!

Did you know? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 12:45:38 CET Did you know... that today in 1968 MauritiusMore about Mauritius here at wikipedia. achieves independence from the United Kingdom.

11th of March 2022

16:29:27 CET It finally there, end of a work-week. Almost at least, I still have a couple of small things to finalize. Strategic, mostly. At least I can see the light in the tunnel, weekend is approaching.

It will be fun and interesting weekend, tomorrow, the university KdG Here, I wrote about it a couple of days ago. is arranging an open door. I'd really like to go and visit the place and maybe our friend C is there. Then we are invited to a birthday party as well in the evening/night/morning...

Earlier today I took the time, in combination of a conference call, to go out for a drive. It ended up me finding a new park (called de UitleggerIt seems it's a very popular park/nature reserve). It is completely new to me It's a very special looking place with winding walking paths, bridges crossing over a lot of water features, creeks, rhododendron and even some WW2 bunkers! but, not all of us were as exited.

For the first time this year I could have my lunch outside in the garden. It was 18 degrees and sun today! Spring is approaching swiftly!

Did you know? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 11:20:32 CET Did you know... that today in 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO)Read about WHO on Wikipedia. declares COVID-19 virus a pandemic.

10th of March 2022

11:19:55 CET It's a very nice and sunny day today. You can feel the spring in the air, birds chirping and squirrels are chasing each other in the trees. Fun to see actually! It's difficult to grasp that only a couple of days ago we were skiing in Norway... Feels like ages ago.

I was checking out how to create forms, and especially how to best create fillable PDF forms. Sure, you have the Google and Microsoft online forms. But I was especially interested in standalone PDF files. I found that the Jotform.comRead more on the Jotform site. service fits the best. You can create online forms, but there is also a really great PDF form editor and the resulting PDF file can be downloaded. You have the option to create the PDF form with a submission function - it will send all the data to a predefined email address. The free version (registration is mandatory) gives you 5 forms (unlimited pages from what it seems).

OK, it's lunch time ...

Something new, the Random 7 gallery 18:44:10 CET I think I mentioned it before, that I was looking into how to make a picture gallery the best. I think I found a rather nice solution at w3schools.comIf you didn't already knew about it, this must be the best HTML, CSS, Javascript etc resource on the internet. - it must be the best resource for the web developer. I have added a new section here (I replaced an existing little feature thqt used to be called random located in the stuff menu). I decided to name it the random 7This is a gallery showing seven random pictures, but within a set category. These categories will change and be updated on current stuff, like Trysil, skiing, coffee, Raspberry Pi etc... and you will find it in the menu stuff on the bottom right corner.

Did you know? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 11:20:32 CET Did you know... that today in 1831 the French Foreign LegionRead more about the French foreign legion on Wikipedia. is created by Louis Philippe, the King of France, from the foreign regiments of the Kingdom of France.

9th of March 2022

19:13:39 CET The coffee this morning was certainly needed. It was one of those days when it takes at least half a day to wake up. Is the reason that the quality of sleep wasn't the best due to the fact that the stars and planets aren't in line, the balance in cosmos was disturbed or simply just too little sleep....does it really matter? Sometimes we sleep less, the brain can't disconnect, just too much to process. Everyone has it at times. I heard that there is nothing such as suffering of sleep problems, it's just times when we don't sleep as good. It will pass, the key is to keep the usual times. The worst is to sleep in longer. It's better to simply get up as normal, stay tired and the quality of sleep will return. I can relate!

OK, that's about that. It's been a busy working day and it seems it will continue like that for the rest of the week. J has a math test tomorrow and we took some time together for that today. It's covering statistics and he knows it perfectly. Theoretically he knows it amazingly well - all the 7 steps on needed for putting a frequency table together. The problem with that is he is getting overconfident and doesn't stick to the formal. Anyway, he's also got the test in French on Friday, two books (one in French) to complete by next week ...he's got enough to do. Like university and his future path...

The university"KdG University of Applied Sciences and Arts" home page. Also some nice pics of my home city. of choice at the moment seems brilliant and it's one of the best renowned universities in Europe. We also have a dear friend working there...friend C, be prepared! As a bonus, it's in the best and nicest city in Belgium - Antwerp - close to his parents.

It was a sunny day, you can feel that the spring is around the corner. MokkaMokka enjoys the sun! is enjoying it as well.

Did you know? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 19:13:29 CET Did you know... that today in 2011 the space shuttle Discovery makes its final landing after 39 flights.

8th of March 2022

08:44:40 CET A sunny but cold day is starting, I welcome it with a nice cup of coffee. We all went off to our occupational location this morning. J is visiting the Royal Museum for Central AfricaLink to Wikipedia about it. Initially it was for showcasing King Leopold II's Congo. Not without some controversy, if you know how it was done... in Brussels soon. It will be impressive, I am sure!

I have another late work related educational session (about "Capability and Technology Management") today (should be done at 20:00) to look forward to . Not too bad, it led to some interesting discussions yesterday. I assume it will be more "hands-on" today.

More to come...

19:33:40 CET I am still in the training; the teacher/leader of the session is Irish, Irish is such a nice accent! It's also interesting how the "offline" conversations are going. There is a certain person who keeps calling me by my family name - Phil is at least almost my family name - and this is a person who know me well. As she puts it, "the American brain" is causing it. Too funny!

Did you know? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 08:45:27 CET Did you know... that today in 1844 King Oscar IAbout Oscar I on Wikipedia accedes to the thrones of Sweden and Norway.

7th of March 2022

21:21:01 CET Ooohhhhh, it's been a special day. A typical "coming back from holiday" feeling - tired to start with but then, as a nice surprise, I had a training scheduled between 17 and 20 o'clock... Not only that, I can do it all again tomorrow. Someone booked me in while I was on holiday. Anyway, it's been a rather interesting session. Let's see how the session tomorrow turns out.

The insurance person passed by with more demands than we ever thought. Out of us three, we were the only one where an insurance person had to do the inspection.

Not sure if you noticed, I have been fiddling around here and there on the site. I have been researching icons; tooltip, added the favicon of this site and some small tweaks (like positioning the pop-up images) and clean-ups here and there. I am learning a lot of CSS and how it is working with frameworks like standards!

Here are some of the things that I will use (note the icons indicating what it is):
This is tooltip textNote the icon on the right side of the text! The tooltip text is now shown beneath the text.
This is a link with tooltip textNote the icon on the right side of the text! Same logic here for links as for tooltip text but with link colour. ...and I am sorry for the dad jokes (click the link)
This is an tooltip with imageNote the icon on the right side of the text! The tooltip that shows an image - similar logic as above. The image opens under the text for better utilizing the screen.

Did you know? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 21:21:09 CET Did you know... that today in 1876 Alexander Graham Bell is granted a patent for an invention he calls the "telephone".

6th of March 2022

13:10:49 CET A relaxed Sunday so far. Helping J a little bit with an upcoming math test - it's statistics. It's actually interesting and I am learning some stuff as well. An extra pot of coffee is required though.

A busy work-/school week is coming up. We also need to have an inspection of the roof done by the insurance company (it was destroyed in the stormI wrote earlier about the destruction caused by the storm). An official will pass by tomorrow "to have a look with own eyes". We'll see how they will play it...

I have also been thinking about how I can semi-automate the process of updating this site. A way of doing small updates whilst being on holiday with limited means. Like being able to creating posts by simply sending an email etc. I once did a Python script to automatically insert/create a post. Maybe I can use that and build out the function..?

Did you know? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 13:16:08 CET Did you know... that today in 1975 is the first time the Zapruder film(Abraham ZapruderThe man who recorded the assassination of JFK. who recorded the film was also an interesting story) of the assassination of John F. Kennedy is shown in motion to a national TV audience.

5th of March 2022

11:39:13 CET Yes, I am back. I am back from a week of holiday in TrysilCheck out what they are writing on Wikipedia., Norway. Sipping coffee and contemplating over the week that was. In short; it was fantastic! Not only was the weather conditions ideal but also all the arrangements - flight, car rental, parking at the airport etc. It all went so smooth! At these crazy times (pandemic, war...) that is important!

Besides all the practical stuff, it all turned out better than we ever could ask for. The company, the times with J in the slopes...brilliant. Moments I will never forget.

Trysil March 2022A picture on one of the slopes from the chair lift going up to the top.

Staying with great friends and being able to be in each others company and - just for a short while, pretend that all is normal - is refreshing.

New software update in the Polestar 2 15:50:32 CET I have just executed the Polestar system software upgrade to version 1.9. I can not find too much details, one popular update was done on the Rear Automatic Breaking with better object tracking. Additionally the version 1.8.2 is included in this upgrade as well since it would only have been updated in workshops. I have just checked it, took a little trip as well. It seems all good, the upgrade was done without any hick-ups...

Did you know? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 11:45:32 CET Did you know... that today in 1981 the ZX81, a pioneering British home computer, is launched by Sinclair Research and would go on to sell over 1.5 million units around the world.

Today Feb 27th Continued...