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The Daily Update...

"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson
30th of Sep and 1st of Oct 2022

2022-10-01 14:45:02 CET Yesterday was another workday in the Brussels office. It was a nice day seeing back colleagues - few that I still recognise, most of them are new. We discussed it and someone commented how many new hires there are. The oldies in the company hardly recognise anyone these days as most of them were hired during pandemic.

After work I drove home (the traffic was terrible, completely stuck at times and it took almost 2 hours to get home) started charging the car only to leave again after about 45 minutes. J was going to meet up with friends and his parents went out to a restaurant to see friends. We have tried for so long to meet, but something always came in between. A pandemic, sickness and other unforeseen things that came in between. But finally, we could see them and it was really nice!

This morning we slept in and could enjoy the coffee and breakfast in proper slow weekend pace. J had his guitar lesson while I took a nice walk between the rain showers, I could even enjoyed some sunshine. There was also time to start another 3D print, I am doing a re-print - the little box was such a success that we need at least one more.

Tonight we have our neighbour lady M over again for some board games and talks. A lot has happened on that front and we all need to be update each other. And to be comforted.

Tomorrow we are going for the day to the coast to meet up with friends. It will be nice to enjoy the seaside atmosphere, meet our friends and there is also a blues festival going on there. It will be late for sure...

I finally got around to book a time for Covid-19 vaccination - the first slot that worked out for me is 26th of October.

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-10-01 14:51:50 CET Did you know that today is the International Coffee Day Read more about this very important day! !!!!

29th of Sep 2022

2022-09-29 20:31:30 CET Today was another workday with a lot of calls, at least in the morning and then in the evening. In the late evening, I should say, since it was with colleagues in US, the west coast. Very nice team, it's very constructive and the work of setting up a great collaboration between Europe and US instances is going great.

J is in Antwerp enjoying an event arranged by the KdG university and his parents are home enjoying a home cooked meal. Tomorrow is another day in the office in Brussels (if all goes according to plan, I will meet my French college again).

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-09-29 20:31:57 CET Did you know that today in 1954 the convention establishing CERN Read more about it on Wikipedia. (the European Organization for Nuclear Research) is signed.

28th of Sep 2022

2022-09-28 20:22:18 CET It's been an ordinary coffee enjoying day today, some calls of course and I had one important decision to make - a go no-go kind of a decision. Today is also a day when H normally can do home office - today was one of those days. Lately, it's not happening that frequent due to the extremely busy days. J was at the campus Antwerp south.

Today we heard about the expected energy costs that might hit us. It's an 10 fold increase we're talking about and I really start wondering (=worried) what the energy company is going to propose as the monthly cost...

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-09-28 20:22:28 CET Did you know that today in 1994 the cruise ferry MS Estonia Read more about the ship and the tragic event on Wikipedia. sinks in the Baltic Sea, killing 852 people.

27th of Sep 2022

2022-09-27 12:11:02 CET It was an interesting day so far; up super early in the morning when realizing that I must be on the road driving to Brussels at least two hours before the appointment (to get my new passport and ID card. The very expensive one). How I have missed the traffic in the morning...

Equipped with coffee and a nice Spotify playlist it was actually rather comfortable driving in the poring rain. After som searching, I found a parking spot not too far away from the consulate in good time. All went fine, friendly and pleasant people to deal with. Before I knew it I was back on the streets of Brussels again happy with my new Passport and international ID card. J, who came from school, and I were back home at the same time. As a bonus, I was even in perfect time for a conference call. Great!

2022-09-27 20:09:08 CET The day just continues being great, but very can I put it; inspiring busy...

It was another fantastic 3D print finished earlier, I completed the first and there will be more, set of objects for the first box with inlays. The result Just a fantastic print, such a nice concept. I will be printing more from this set of STL files. is absolutely spot on!

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-09-26 21:24:57 CET Did you know that today is it the World Tourism Day Read more about it here.

26th of Sep 2022

2022-09-26 21:25:02 CET It's been a gray and rainy day today and a normal working day at work. I worked through some strategical admin stuff that's been put on hold for other priorities.

I managed to fiddle with my 3D printers some more today as well. So, that is always something I look forward to. Well, most of the times at least. It's not so funny when something like what happened yesterday happens. After about 2/3 into the 15 hours 3D print job, it stopped !!! Not sure what happened, but it just stopped. Luckily, I can still use the unfinished object - the litterbox shuffle.

One one hand, that made me take a decision to upgrade the firmware (both the firmware in the display and the machine) on the Creality Ender 3 v2 Read more about it on the official site. machine. Now I have Marlin version 1.0.7 (supporting the 4.2.2 board that is in the machine) and I am really happy the installation went smooth and painless.

I was also able to start a 3D print on my Prusa Mini+ 3D printer today. It's a small little modular box and it is still printing. I am really looking forward to check it out as it's a complete multi-use concept with multiple inlays and lids etc. I found it on Printables Have a look on this great product on Printables!.

Tomorrow will be an interesting day, I can finally go and get my passport and international ID card that I requested this summer when I was in Sweden. I have an appointment (yes, apparently it's now needed and the fee was increased to 19 EUR per document. Which means I have to pay 38 Euros additional to the 80 Euros I already paid in Sweden. What a rip off!) tomorrow morning in Brussels.

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-09-26 21:24:57 CET Did you know that today in 1973 Concorde Read more about it on Wikipedia. makes its first non-stop crossing of the Atlantic in record-breaking time.

25th of Sep 2022

2022-09-25 20:05:40 CET Today started fantastically, what a treat to be able to wake up in slow pace, prepare some coffee to the scent of oven baked bread and enjoy it with the person you want to shar it with. Luxury!

It was a harmonic - yes, I can't use a better word for it - day today with a lot of small chores (did I post a pic We are really happy with the result of our hallway. Thanks J for seeing where it all should be. of the new hallway setup) and little projects (one I am doing is the 15 hours 3D print My 15 hours 3D print is going on - my litterbox shovel. Hopefully it will be done in a reasonable time...It is however very interesting as it's one of my oldest designs and I am using some new settings in the slicing process.) that we could do.

During my relax/zen time in the garden I got a visit by 'Tjockis' Here she is, the queen of all cats. It's a treat that I may pet her... - a stray cat that we, in the neighbourhood, jointly took care of. She is enjoying life to the fully and is probably the most spoiled cat in the area. Maybe most spoiled in Belgium, in Europe? Sometimes I think it can very well be the most spoiled cat in the world.

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-09-25 18:34:42 CET Did you know that today in 1981 Belize Read more about it on Wikipedia. joins the United Nations.

23rd and 24th of Sep 2022

2022-09-25 00:34:04 CET The last two days have been great, just the opposite of the weather . Like always, the coffee was great this morning. As far as I can remember... We have also done some home improvements in our hallway. I am too tired to post any pictures of it right now, but it will come. Our neighbour lady D. just went home after a nice evening with dinner and some board games again. It's really a hit...

Another thing; J. started up again with his first guitar lesson of the season.

I can hopefully remember to start a 15+ hours 3D print first thing in the morning tomorrow. It's really interesting because I am planning to do 3D print one of my very first prints that I ever designed. I have re-sliced it and saved the new g-code file earlier today. I am really curious to see how it turns out since I used something that was not available when I first created it.

Oh, we also managed to do some work on our publication that we're doing for our neighbour ladies as a surprise. Something that lady D. can enjoy to read about what's going on at home.

A small annoyance found, I noticed that the previous did you know posts where all from August instead of September... for instance; the post I made two days ago is not related to 22nd of September, but 22nd of August. Anyway, it's now been corrected.

As you can see on the timestamp, it's late. We are actually already 34 minutes in on the next day. We are already tomorrow and yesterday is already today and it's time to go to bed...

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-09-24 18:36:03 CET Did you know that today in 1948 the Honda Motor Company is founded.

22nd of Sep 2022

2022-09-22 19:14:25 CET Today, another special day full of surprises and new experiences - all positives in the newt step of our lives. Today was a day full of calls and interesting things happening on a professional level. I didn't have much time at all during my break which was a pity as the weather was very nice today. I could however go out and do a 20 minutes walk in the garden (of which I cleaned up a crazy amount of Acorns...).

J spent the day at home today, he had online lessons for the first time. Again, something new to get used to. Even though we have had some experience before of that for years, this is something completely new. It's so well arranged and professionally done. The only slight similarity is the location. But that is where all comparisons ends.

I didn't have time to do any of 3D printing or Raspberry Pi related stuff. I did however take some time for our secret little project - something called the P&P Publication. Something we're doing for our dear neighbour lady D. who's in the hospital for the moment. But more about that soon...

I decided that I just don't have time to drive to Brussels tomorrow. I just have too many calls and things to do. I ended the day with a very constructive call with our colleagues in US. Such a nice team to work with, quite different from how we work in Europe. If I am lucky another trip to LA for me can be arranged. Remember, I have a new fresh passport waiting for me in the Swedish consulate in Brussels...

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-09-22 19:15:09 CET Did you know that today in 1902 Theodore Roosevelt Read more about him on Wikipedia. becomes the first President of the United States to make a public appearance in an automobile.

21st of Sep 2022

2022-09-21 23:03:12 CET It turned out to be a good day after all. We went through some strange things. It was strike where I live, the union attached to the public transportation (trams and buses) were on strike. Is there something that I hate is the idea of strikes . It's the first sign that the country is on the verge of being an under-developed country.

J. is traveling with the tram to school every day and it was especially important today. But, due to the strike, that was not possible today. As he couldn't risk being late or miss classes this morning was the best solution to drive him to the campus. Luckily, I could take the scheduled call in the car!

I did a 3D print today for my friend and colleague D. It's actually a re-print of something that he liked so much that he wanted more of it, it's a tripod mount for a Sony video action camera. I'll just give it a coat of epoxy paint and it's done.

Today ended with having our dear neighbour lady M over for dinner. 2nd week of the treatment is well on the way for her partner and it's tough for both of them to cope, so we're trying to help out as much as we can. It was a nice evening and J joined in and could tell stories about his first days as a student at university. Now, we are all tired and it's time for bed.

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-09-21 23:03:00 CET Did you know that today is Stephen King's Read more about him on Wikipedia. birthday.

20th of Sep 2022

2022-09-20 18:18:53 CET Another early morning and a day learning the new routines for all of us. I enjoyed my coffee, had to brew a new pot already at 09:00 o'clock. OK I admit, it had a little bit to do to the fact that our dear cleaning lady A. was here today (she like coffee and a snack during her break).

I was writing about the "everyday micro holidays" yesterday. Today, in the same genre, I thought about quality of life (without going to the "Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance" level) and concluded that it's if you're able to add some luxury to the little "ordinary everyday" things in life that makes the difference. An example is to be able to enjoy the best cheese in the world "Achelse blauwe" is the best blue cheese that I know. Officially also... in the middle of the week, just because... Luxury!

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-09-20 18:23:01 CET Did you know that today in 1866 President Andrew Johnson Read more about him on Wikipedia. formally declares the American Civil War Read more about it on Wikipedia. over.

19th of Sep 2022

2022-09-19 19:48:42 CET EARLY up and about for all of us today. We discovered late last night that J had to be on another campus than what was initially said. So, plans changed a couple of times before it matched with the plans for everyone involved. and finally, just before going to bed, we had the strategy clear for us. The term "morning routine" was almost forgotten, it ended more than 3 months ago and now it's back, but totally on another level. The biggest difference is that we are now three grown-ups discussing it on the same level...if you know what I mean.

Anyways, it's a big change. One thing I am sure of though, is that it couldn't start any better! Even better feeling when he started his first year in SMCB A fantastic school where J spent 12 years in. It an important part that formed him to the person he is today.. What I notice in J when he explained how he experienced his first day in his own means, is how relieved, excited and inspired he was. A lot to come...

2022-09-19 22:22:04 CET Ok, that is it for me for today, I am going to bed now. I just had a moment and I thought about sharing something from earlier today. It is really getting colder and colder, but today during lunch time, the sun came out and I could enjoy my cup of coffee in the sun I have to take the time to take a break when I can. The body need the natural light to recover.. Even if it's just for a moment, we have to create those short breaks, it does its magic!

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-09-19 19:48:08 CET Did you know that today in 1772 Gustav III Read more about him on Wikipedia. of Sweden stages a coup d'état, in which he assumes power and enacts a new constitution that divides power between the Riksdag and the King.

18th of Sep 2022

2022-09-18 12:10:42 CET Cosy Sunday morning with a breakfast to match - nice strong black coffee and sandwich with home baked bacon.

It's a typical gray and rainy autumn day outside. The best with these days must be when we can start the open fire It gives such a cosy feeling and it generates the best warmth., it creates such a cosy atmosphere.

2022-09-18 22:22:03 CET OK, time to go to bed on this special Sunday evening. It will be an early morning tomorrow. It will be a VERY early for some of us in the family who will have to take the tram early in the morning to go to the university in Antwerp. It will be a complete new life for J, complete new start and new routines after the long summer break (longest summer break that he will ever experience in his life). But I have a good feeling that he will like it and do fine...

Let's see if I can get some rest...

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-09-18 12:11:57 CET Did you know that today in 1903 the German engineer Karl Jatho Read more about him on Wikipedia. allegedly flies his self-made, motored gliding airplane four months before the first flight of the Wright brothers.

17th of Sep 2022

2022-09-17 19:31:25 CET Today was a better Saturday - brilliant day! After breakfast we decided to head into Antwerp and walk around. We drove in to the city via the harbour and parked close to the Grote Markt Antwerp is one of my favourite cities, it's got such a special charm. (Het Steen). We found an interesting place where we had something to eat and drink Great place with fun staff and nice food. - the Localstore 2000 Nice food and great service in a cool place with a different concept. We'll be back!

2022-09-18 00:07:40 CET Neighbour lady M just left after a very nice and cosy evening with homemade "Pizzas" (a variation of pizza The homemade Pizzas were simply awesome! that I found absolutely great) and playing board games. J also joined us helping finishing the Pizzas. It was a really nice night with the 4 of us.

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-09-16 19:13:41 CET Did you know that today is the Batman day I didn't even know there is such a day. A Batman day, really? Click here and read more about it....

16th of Sep 2022

2022-09-16 19:22:18 CET Today I went to the office in Brussels. Unforeseen circumstances put me back in my morning schedule and, on top of that, the traffic was pure madness (root cause was the bad weather I think) so I had to take two calls from the car before I reached the office. My friend and colleague D. from France visited the office which was very nice and brightened up my day. Great to see him, last time we met face-to-face was at least a year ago. We share a lot of fun memories, we did some business travels in the past and share many fun memories together.

The last call, there were a lot of them today, at 16:30, I decided to take from the car. Again, the traffic was horrifically bad Terrible traffic today in both directions. Luckily I have a nice car which makes it a little bit easier to endure.... There were two accidents along my way and I arrived home almost 2 hours later.

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-09-16 19:13:41 CET Did you know that today in 1954 the first issue of Sports Illustrated Read more about it here on Wikipedia. is published.

15th of Sep 2022

2022-09-15 15:24:47 CET It's been raining almost the whole day today, the sun came out for a couple of minutes but before I knew it, it was gone again. It's a clear shift in weather, we even had to light a fire in the stove yesterday. Nice and cosy though.

It's been a real inside day, working away and sipping coffee...

2022-09-15 15:48:44 CET Apple seems very busy these days, I had an iOS update to version 15.7 today, but I also see that I can update to the latest version 16.0 Have a look here at Apple and read more about the latest version - iOS 16.0. There are a lot of updates, but I am wondering if everything is compatible.... It must be a big update! I think I will first do it on my iPad to be sure it's working OK.

2022-09-15 20:19:14 CET J is with friends tonight to support a friend, let's call her friend N.. A friend who actually is in a huge TV production (the biggest DJ in Belgium) that's searching for the next big star. It will not be too late and no alcohol involved as he is with his moped. It's a nice group of friends who's there supporting one of them.

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-09-15 15:25:20 CET Did you know that today in 1965 the Beatles Read more about them here on Wikipedia. play to nearly 60,000 fans at Shea Stadium in New York City, an event later regarded as the birth of stadium rock.

14th of Sep 2022

2022-09-14 18:25:23 CET Today was an ordinary work day, a lot of important stuff happened and I have to take some important decisions in some of the projects...but that is to be expected. Expect the unforeseen. And that is exactly the charm of my job, one day is never the other alike.

Today we welcome our dear neighbour lady M who is going through the most difficult times of her life. Her life partner, her friend, her soul mate is currently sick and need some treatment (no need to explain the seriousness, it will be fine) for some time. The process has started and it will be going on for weeks to follow. Some key weeks to follow.

J has a welcome day at the university tomorrow. Right after a dr's appointment that he needs to do. They suggest youth to vaccinate against a certain HPV virus. As far as I understand, it's a sexual transmitted virus and something that used to be suggested for girls, but now apparently also for boys. So, if it helps, why not? 3 separate jabs are needed for the complete treatment.

Anyway, tomorrow I will bring J to the university to first get all the books (all 14 of them) which I will take back home. J will then have to go to another campus to attend the welcome session and from there come back home.

2022-09-14 22:51:18 CET OK, the evening with lady M is just done and we all enjoyed Swedish husmanskost - "Falukorv i ugn"Check Google to give you an idea what it is.... J left to meet up with friends and will be back soon because it will be an early start for him tomorrow...

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-09-13 09:56:45 CET Did you know that today in 1893 France becomes the first country to introduce motor vehicle registration Read more about it here on Wikipedia..

13th of Sep 2022

2022-09-13 09:56:54 CET It was an earlier start this morning, luckily the coffee was set and filled the room with its glorious smell . The weather was fantastic yesterday, I could really enjoy the garden during my lunchbreak. Today is another story, it's really gray at the moment, but let's see if the forecast is right with some sun breaking through later on.

I did the weekly process here for this site - that the users are mainly seeing a week worth of posts. It spans from Monday through to Sunday and then the page is archived. The daily rotation became too much of an effort and it generated too many files on the server. With the latest layout changes, the website also looks nicer if there is some more content on the page.

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-09-13 09:56:45 CET Did you know that today it is the Roald Dahl dayRead more about it here..

12th of Sep 2022

2022-09-12 19:24:29 CET The work week started in all its glory and I am glad I could finally turn off the worklaptop at around 18:30. Especially since it was a grewsome start this morning. The Grewsome word is a strong word, but once a month we have an "executive update" and you always have to be on your "best behaviour" and well prepared. You know what I am talking about and we all have it. Anyway, if that happens on a Monday morning it is a struggle. At least for me. So, thus, that is why I am glad the day is over and I can enjoy the evening...

Today was the day, a big day for our neighbour ladies, when they left No, it's not like I am spying at them, just the driveway camera recording what's happening. It's proved to be very useful. Also, it's a Raspberry Pi computer doing it all. for the round of the next treatment. As I said earlier, it is a very interesting week... but we are ready to fight this shit. We will see it through and it will, it WILL, be a positive outcome! We have to see that this is all for the best!

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-09-12 19:24:40 CET Did you know that today in 1323 the treaty of Nöteborg Read more about it here on Wikipedia. between Sweden and Novgorod Republic is signed, regulating the border between the two countries for the first time.

10th and 11th of Sep 2022

2022-09-11 17:54:10 CET What a nice day so far, a perfect Sunday in my book. I could do a little bit of 3D printing - a duo 3D printing Duo 3D printing, when I can use both machines at the same time, is the best. Seeing that the machines are utilized and doing what it's supposed to do is very satisfying. is the best. Then we decided to drive over the border into to The Netherlands for a little excursion. We found a nice café ("bij de nonnen") Very nice place with its own little terrace. I enjoyed a trappist beer called Zundert 8. (in a chapel) and had a nice snack with a drink. Then a quick walk around on the main street of Zundert. Perfect Sunday.

I had some difficulties with one of my 3D prints - it's one of my most complex CAD designs that I have had to do. The "NFC tag holder" idea that I designed proved to also to be complicated to 3D print as well. With some needed tweaking creating additional support to the model in the Prusa slicer program, it 3D printed I love my 3D machines - the Prusa Mini+ and the Creality 3 v2 - fantastic machines. Here you can see the additional support structures placed in front of the structure itself. fine. It only took one additional try and it had adhesion enough to stay on the print bed.

It was a nice and joyful day today. It was needed especially after the turmoil (an unspoken reaction from a family member. No matter age or situation, people can not show that level disrespect to others) yesterday, the family gathering turned out completely different from what we thought. I guess that is what to expect at times with family. Unfortunately even family members have different level of class, moral and capacity. Anyway, it proves my general motto - people are shit, do not waste energy on people who's not worth it, save it for the ones who appreciate it!

Then, once back from Zundert, we had the time to still enjoy the evening sun. It was slowly setting under the rooftops and we could breath again.

Next week will be a busy workweek with some important calls again but also some last preparations before J (and indirectly same goes for his parents) starts the new chapter - the life of university.

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. ... CET Did you know that... today, in 1942 actress Hedy Lamarr Read more about her here on Wikipedia. and composer George Antheil receive a patent for a Frequency-hopping Read more about it here on Wikipedia. spread spectrum communication system that later became the basis for modern technologies in wireless telephones, two-way radio communications, and Wi-Fi.

9th of Sep 2022

2022-09-09 22:20:07 CET It was not an ordinary work day today, the new normal is definitely the normal these days. I drove to the office today and it went as planned, the calls and the traffic jams were there just as I remembered it to be - horrible.

J has the big birthdays party (three of his friends are doing a joint party together) to go to as planned for a long time. He really looked forward to it and it will be a great time for him. Hopefully the weather will not be too bad when he bicycle back "tomorrow morning" (it will be late).

Today is it officially the Stand up to cancer day Read more about it here. which somehow feels fitting since it's clear that our dearest neighbour ladies are embarking on a new stretch on the battle against this horrid sickness ! Like before, we will do all we can to help out and support them.

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-09-09 20:33:21 CET Did you know that... today, in 1855 during the Åland War Read more about it here on Wikipedia. the that the Battle of Suomenlinna Read more about it here on Wikipedia. begins.

8th of Sep 2022

2022-09-08 20:51:23 CET It's been a busy working day today. Some calls and productional issues to deal with but not too overwhelming. I have planned to go to the office (you know; the place that we used to go to every day when we said we were going to work ) tomorrow. If nothing unforeseen happens, that is where I will go tomorrow. Enjoy music (on AudioWagon Read more about the amazing audio car app here.), I can do some calls and stuff ...

2022-09-08 19:53:04 CET Did you see the news just now, Queen Elisabeth just died Read more about her here on Vanityfair. It was Vanityfair that reached me with the news the first. at 96 years old .

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-09-08 19:53:41 CET Did you know that... today, in 1929, the German airship Graf Zeppelin Read more about it here on Wikipedia. It's a really interesting article about the history and future of Zeppelin airships. begins a round-the-world flight.

6th and 7th of Sep 2022

2022-09-07 12:32:36 CET It's been a typical, what ever that is these days, working day so far. Enjoyed the coffee very much; as usual it's needed to get me into working mode.

Yesterday was an overdue restaurant meet-up with friends - last time we couldn't make it due to unforeseen circumstances. It was a nice time at the restaurant Klein Zoersel Read more about the restaurant here. It was brilliant food, but the service did not live up to the fancy exterior. Were we just unlucky? in Malle. The food - I had fish - was absolutely brilliant.

I have also been busy doing some 3D printing and, very exciting, the order of my NFC tags Here they are, the NFC tags. Doesn't look much, but they contain 499 bytes of storage and it interfaces with any NFC readers - mobile phones etc. arrived yesterday. I installed the NFC Tools Read more about the app here on App Store. App on my iPhone and uploaded my contact details to one of them. It's really such a cool thing! Now I can continue with some ideas that I had planned for it...

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-09-07 13:08:37 CET Did you know that... today, in 1947, Thor HeyerdahlRead more about him here on Wikipedia.'s balsa wood raft, the Kon-Tiki Read more about it here on Wikipedia., smashes into the reef at Raroia in the Tuamotu Islands after a 101-day, 7,000 kilometres journey across the Pacific Ocean in an attempt to prove that pre-historic peoples could have traveled from South America.

5th of Sep 2022

2022-09-06 00:00:19 CET A good and constructive workday today but even better evening... The only disruption was that all of a sudden I lost the internet connection. After some fiddling around - rebooting the laptop, resetting the network adapters etc - it came back again.

It's been a very warm day and finally, just now, the rain came... Thunder and lightning as well. Mokka Here she is, hiding from the lightning and thunder in the garage. Poor little thing. doesn't like it at all though.

I discovered that I have some internet issues again. I just now had to restart the computer (J also told me about similar issues). It will be a short update today, it took forever to reboot and start it all up again. I am tired also...

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-09-05 21:53:21 CET Did you know... that today in 1926 Harry Houdini Read more about him here on Wikipedia. performs his greatest feat, spending 91 minutes underwater in a sealed tank before escaping.

3rd and 4th of Sep 2022

2022-09-04 20:20:29 CET Baaawhappa!! It's already Sunday evening and the weekend flew by in a flash. Today started with yet another nice late breakfast on the terrace and we enjoyed one of the last summer days that are still here and hanging on by a thread. We did some important chores around the house, that is something very satisfying when the outcome is so nice.

The shower has been acting strange lately and we bough a new one to be on the safe side. After some fiddling around (running up and down closing off/opening the main water), which is always the case when this happens, it was all fitted snug and nice.

Before we could shower again, I installed a new motion detection lamp in the garage. I have been waiting for about a year that the existing lamp would break to install a new led lamp (5000 lumen).

All done and I could start some 3D prints. I had a request for my HooksOn ("soap dispenser platform") design. I started the process - another duo print project - on my "Creality Ender 3 v2" Such a nice setup, to be able to print... and "Prusa Mini+"Between the two of us; I absolutely love my Prusa 3D printer. But don't tell anyone... 3D printers. It' the same product I absolutely love this design! One of my favourite design that I have done., but 3D printed on two different printers. I wonder if it's going to match?

It's a very nice evening, the sun is setting and we are about to enjoy a homecooked meal. J is having friends over tonight, but the parents are planning an early night with earplugs .

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-09-04 18:47:12 CET Did you know... that today in 1693 ascribed to Dom Perignon's Read more about him here on Wikipedia. invention of champagne; it is not clear whether he actually invented champagne Read more about it here on Wikipedia., however he has been credited as an innovator who developed the techniques used to perfect sparkling wine.

1st and 2nd of Sep 2022

2022-09-02 23:20:50 CET We are just back from a restaurant which is located within walking distance from where we live - the golf Country Club Read more about it here. It's actually very nice, we'll do this more in the future.... We invited our friends M and W there as a gift for all the help the past year (J's math tutor). It was a very nice evening!

It's been nice couple of days - work wise but also other private smaller projects. I will tell more about it soon, but now I need to go horizontal. Catch you later!

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-09-02 23:22:21 CET Did you know... that today is the World Coconut day Read more about it here..