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The Daily Update...

4th of January 2022

17:49:51 CET How quick the situation can change. If you remember I mentioned that I had a doctors appointment yesterday and today I got the result from the blood test which were all good. All tests were perfect in fact! Which was great to hear and huge relief.

Today J went with friends to an indoor skiing facility with friends. Great fun and perfect during their holiday. All was perfect, how it's supposed to be with friends, until they received the news that one in their close circle of friends was tested positiv with Covid. As they have been in close contact with all the celebrations lately, every one had to do a self test. Not that strange, it resulted in two more who were tested positive. The Covid is all of a sudden very close upon us.

We just did a negative test with J which is of course just an indication. Positive news of course, but very temporary as well. To be absolutely sure we also booked PCR tests - yes, two taking the incubation and social contact pattern into consideration.

It's a longer post but, you see... Isn't it interesting how fast it can change. All good news and nice activities happening, but it's got an anti-climax kind of feeling. Also for us, the parents since the pandemic is very much a social contact oriented virus, it impact complete families and friends who's got their view on how to deal with the situation. It only needs one parent who reacts egoistically and want to push their ideas, their "truths" forward on how to battle the spreading. Most of which are completely nonsense, more created to support their egoistic "needs", to be frank!

Did you know? 18:20:14 CET Did you know... that today in 1918 The Finnish Declaration of Independence is recognized by Russia, Sweden, Germany and France.

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson