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The Daily Update...

1st of December 2021

18:41:27 CET It's a new month, the month of Christmas if you didn't know .

We have increased the online ordering (Christmas gifts from left and right) and it's starting to get busy here - we are sponsoring the local business and in an environmental friendly way as much as possible. Hum wait, now when I have an electrical vehicle I have to re-think that theory...

OK, the studying period officially started today for J. - final semester exams are coming up - starting next week with math and physics. First off; physics. Yes, we are just recovering from the last physics test (which was great) and diving into it again. I think it was a constructive start - tomorrow again some more to finalize physics for Wednesday and then math in the weekend for Tuesday's exams...could work.

Today was the first day when H is feeling better since vaccination. Nice that the peak is reached, but of course she has to recover and get the energy back! At least not much fever.

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson