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The Daily Update...

20th of December 2021

08:20:34 CET OK, J should start right about NOW with his last exam. It was an early morning today to be able to go through it once more. Fingers crossed...

And now, back to work with my cup of coffee.

19:16:51 CET OK, so tonight is really a party night... at least that is how it feels. All is done for J's exams. He is now out with friends celebrating. As it should be! Earlier today they drove to Antwerp on their mopeds for the Christmas atmosphere. It's really something else...Antwerp is a spectacular city and I just love it! Great for him! ..hopefully not too much drinking though.

And ...we are very happy the study time is over for now. In June it's back again... Anyways, his parents can also celebrate19 years ago I managed to convince her to be with me...! We are married 19 years tomorrow. I can not believe it! The day in Stockholm 19 years ago... amazing, magical times it was together with loved ones!

So there you go, an evening update... more about everything tomorrow!

Did you know? 08:35:49 CET Did you know... that today J is doing his last of 12 exams and it all started on the 7th of December.

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson