The Daily Update...

30th of May 2021

08:52:24 CET Good morning folks. Coffee is doing its magic and the brain is back to normal activity again.

11:12:05 CET Interesting article about cyberattacks and Russian "diplomacy"! I read that the Russian hacker group Nobelium is at it again. Microsoft is reporting on their blog that "This week we observed cyberattacks by the threat actor Nobelium targeting government agencies, think tanks, consultants, and non-governmental organizations". The hackers are again (numerous attacks have been carried out by the same group) using Solarwind products. In true Russian manner; the officials (spy chief) denied it but at the same time replied how "flattered" they are by the accusation of such a sophisticated hack.

13:49:11 CET This free online temporary email service works great! A great way to limit filling up your mailboxes with unnecessary mail (commercial and marketing stuff mostly) is the use of a temporary mail address. Use next time you register for something online. Access it once for the activation process then close and forget it. Later on, if you decide it's of interest, you can update it accordingly.

18:49:15 CET Fantastic weekend with great weather. All the plants and flowers in the garden are exploding, shooting up in all their glory and colours. Holiday feeling with a nice BBQ in the evening!

2021-05-29 10:25:31 CET "No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world." -Robin Williams