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The Daily Update...

"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson
30th of December until 3rd of January 2023

2023-01-03 16:38:17 CET The Christmas and New Year period was absolutely brilliant. Unbelievable how fast it passes though when you enjoy it...

Even though I was sick (I learned that I got the flu on the early hours of Thursday the 29th of December), I enjoyed the time to the fully! We enjoyed the time together as family with nice gifts, food, drinks and - the most important ingredient - a lot of love!

2023-01-03 19:07:07 CET One productive thing I did during the holiday was the update of my 3D printing corner. And I love it. The IKEA Skådis tool boards Have a look at how it turned out... I love it! (yes, there are two of them) have been installed and I could do some practical 3D printing Here are some of them, the ones in red to support the tools are 3D printed. to match (I also did some Christmas inspired 3D prints - a lot of Santa Claus, gnomes, Christmas trees etc...) the tool boards.

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2023-01-03 16:44:11 CET Did you know that today in 1957 the Hamilton Watch Company introduces the first electric watchRead more about it on Wikipedia..

28th and 29th of December 2022

2022-12-29 17:57:59 CET OK, so I am slowly coming back to the living. No, not that dramatic, but I have been sick the last days and I feel that the peak was reached. And that was apparently not enough, our internet stopped working today as well. Not sure what's the worst...

Not sure what it is, but on Tuesday night or rather Wednesday morning, I started having the worst chills and sweating like crazy.

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-12-29 17:59:35 CET Did you know that today in ...

26th and 27th of December 2022

2022-12-27 11:44:59 CET I have a fantastic Christmas celebration time behind me. A sign that Christmas is over is when my Christmas themed pullover is going back in the cupboard for this year. It was truly a nice family time , were we took the time for connecting as a family but also time for relaxing.

I could write a little bit yesterday, some time went to chores as well - a typical "stay inside due to shit weather" day. In the evening neighbour lady M came over for dinner. The progress so far in the treatment is going according to plan and we have entered into a very critical time - seeing how well the stem cell transplant is going- for lady D. A stressful and heavy time for everyone involved for a good result and especially a tough fight for lady D. for sure!

Today will go in the sign of getting things done - work, chores and study are the main topics to focus on. Maybe there will be some time to start some updates on my little 3D printing corner - I bought some tool panels (Skådis from IKEA) to install. But for that I need to re-organise the printers a little bit. I am really excited about that upgrade...

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-12-27 11:45:35 CET Did you know that today in 1831 Charles Darwin embarks on his journey Read more about his journey on Wikipedia. aboard HMS Beagle, during which he will begin to formulate his theory of evolution.

25th of December 2022

2022-12-25 15:18:17 CET Merry Christmas everyone! No I am not senile (just yet), I know I started the last post the same, but today we are celebrating Christmas as well. For us it's became the "real Christmas" celebration. I have downloaded the needed the Christmas movies (the end of "Julkalendern", "Karl-Bertils Jul" and, maybe the most important, Donald Duck and his friends Christmas celebration that I wrote about yesterday).

We are busy eating and drinking nice stuff. It is strange that the huge order containing Swedish Christmas food from Onfos did not arrive yet. I wrote about them before, I was praising how professional they were, how it was a German quality. But this time seems to be a drastic turn for the worse . We'll probably eat Christmas food in March...

We are alternating the eating, drinking and handing out Christmas gifts with studying. Well, J is doing the studying and his parents are in charge for the Christmas atmosphere...

I am pretty happy with the amount of 3D printing I have managed to squeeze in lately. It's the intention that I will post some pics soon, but some of it I can't show just yet as it could ruin the surprises...

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-12-25 14:42:29 CET Did you know that today in 1914 a series of unofficial truces Read more about this fantastic event on Wikipedia. There is also a great Sabaton song about this event! occur across the Western Front to celebrate Christmas.

23rd and 24th of December 2022

2022-12-24 15:45:04 CET Merry Christmas everyone is that time of the year again. In just a couple of hours - at around 17:00 - we will go to the parents in law and celebrate together with family. If we would have been in Sweden we would have been watching TV, 45 minutes into the biggest Christmas tradition there is there at Christmas eve, namely to watch Donald Duck and friends celebrating Christmas at 15:00 o'clock. Everyone is watching it and maybe, just maybe there is a new cartoon episode this year...

Tomorrow is our own Christmas celebration, exchanging gifts and eat nice. The best time during this period.

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-12-24 16:12:05 CET Did you know that today in 1818 the first performance of "Silent Night" read more about it on Wikipedia. takes place in the church of St. Nikolaus in Oberndorf, Austria.

21st until 22nd of December 2022

2022-12-22 23:09:09 CET Another "what a strange day again" today. I am not sure how many times we have said that the last couple of days, but that is really how it's been lately. I guess it's again a shift in everybody's life pattern. Everyone that matters the most and who has to biggest influence in our life's. J's life is changing as he is with the girl more and more and they are creating their own new life patterns together. As a teenager entering adulthood means a lot of "trial and error" and "finding out as one goes". That mean that the parents are more and more pushed out in periphery. I guess it's the natural order, but it doesn't make it any easier for us the parents.

Except another busy day at work, I continued some interesting 3D printing projects of which one completed very successfully. I will for sure post some pics of it later on. But for now, I really have to go to bed and get some sleep. I will do that now...

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-12-22 19:28:03 CET Did you know that today in 1990 Lech Wałęsa Read more about him on Wikipedia. is elected President of Poland.

19th until 20th of December 2022

2022-12-20 19:08:17 CET It was truly and honestly a busy working day today, started early by answering emails before 07:00. I had an important meeting at 08:30, but it was confirmed cancelled at the very last moment. Annoying at first, but I used the time for another call.

That is a little bit how the whole day turned out to be. I could report out a positive progress about the last couple of days activities. But that was apparently not enough to deal with, an issue appeared that affected production systems in the evening too. Anyways, the point is just that it's so typical it always happens on the last day before time off.

Indeed, I have taken the day off tomorrow for one reason and one reason alone. Tomorrow we celebrate 20 years marriage and apparently, I didn't know, but that is apparently a very critical time. Googling it is a very depressing reading. 95% of it is all about what you hate and can't stand about the partner. Luckily, that was something we've already been through. It was absolutely not the easiest of times, but maybe something needed to be able to grow and continue.

I guess the message is to be realistic, stand your grounds, have an open conversation with respect and be true to each other with open cards and remember that it is a dialog.

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-12-20 19:08:42 CET Did you know that today in 1924 Adolf Hitler is released from Landsberg Prison Read more about it on Wikipedia..

18th of December 2022

2022-12-18 17:26:55 CET It was a typical Sunday today - nice and relaxed breakfast before the scheduled activities. Not sure when it happened, but the day decided all of a sudden to turn into evening.

It's still cold, it's not been below freezing for some days now. It's nice and fresh, the layer of ice in the pond is growing thicker for every hour. I have to keep an eye on that there are no issues with the pump for the circulation and filtration. Hopefully my fishes stay in their winter-coma to survive the harsh conditions OK as possible.

We did some more work on the "Rat Race Antwerpen" Have a look to our proud creation... website and it's now, slowly but steadily, starting to look mighty fine. There is always a lot of background work that goes into the creation of a website.

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-12-18 17:27:03 CET Did you know that today in 1777 the United States celebrates its first Thanksgiving read more about it on Wikipedia..

15th until 17th of December 2022

2022-12-17 13:28:41 CET Today we woke up alone for the 2nd morning in a row. A taste of what to expect of future life as parents to a healthy young man growing up and I am thrilled to see J experiencing life; recently he has started dipping his toes into the sea of love...

2022-12-18 14:21:35 CET I didn't post the update of yesterday, so there it was...

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-12-17 13:29:04 CET Did you know that today in 1892 first issue of Vogue Read more about it on Wikipedia. is published.

14th of December 2022

2022-12-14 18:23:59 CET Today was a pretty ordinary work day. An ordinary Wednesday I should say since it's the day of the week that all of us are based at home.

One interesting thing out of the ordinary, was the appointment we had to discuss the solar panel installation. A possible installation, that is. The company The company Balti Solar seems to be a nice company with a good product and services. seems to be a decent company. We will see what the offer will be for 14 panels and a battery...

Tomorrow is an important day, it's important and scary at the same time. Neighbor lady D is going to the hospital for the final preparation before the donor transplant process. It's all looking positive so far and we should be grateful that the donor process can start, it's huge! In a couple of weeks we will know, who knows, it could be the best Christmas gift one can ever wish for..!

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-12-14 17:09:35 CET Did you know that today in 1900 Max Planck Read more about it on Wikipedia. presents a theoretical derivation of his black-body radiation law (quantum theory) at the Physic Society in Berlin

13th of December 2022

2022-12-13 14:57:20 CET Happy Saint Lucy's Day Read more about it on Wikipedia. to you today! I can not believe it's already 13th of December...

We were all up early this morning (no, not to sing Saint Lucia songs ) to get going to our respectively school and work. It was dark (the shortest day of of the year) and cold. It was -8 centigrade which is unusually cold here. In the humid climate that we have, it REALLY feels cold!

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-12-13 15:03:30 CET Did you know that today in 1577 Sir Francis Drake Read more about him on Wikipedia. sets sail from Plymouth, England, on his round-the-world voyage.

12th of December 2022

2022-12-12 19:00:48 CET It was a heavy day today, difficult to wake up and work started early. Then later, at 09:00 CET, I had a pretty important call as well and I needed to focus. The coffee saved my life.

I was just checking out the ChatGDP AI (an artificial online service) service that anyone can sign up for and use. At the moment of writing this the chat function is free of charge. I am hower certain that that will change soon. Anyway, I tried it out by asking it to write me a good Out Of Office email message; it did it really really well. I actually will use it as my future OoO message template.

I took a step further, and tried something else; I asked it to write me a blog post based on some key instructions. Very basic, this was the instructions I provided:

write a blog post on what happened today - I worked out of my home office and managed to squeeze in some 3D printing in between. I also did some Christmas shopping on my way home.

This is the result:

Today, I had a busy but productive day working from my home office. I was able to focus and get a lot done without the usual distractions of a busy workplace.

In between work, I managed to squeeze in some time for my favorite hobby - 3D printing. I find it to be a great way to unwind and it's always satisfying to see an idea come to life in physical form.

After work, I decided to tackle some of my Christmas shopping. I made a list of the gifts I need to buy and set out to check items off of it. I was able to find some great deals and was able to cross a few people off of my list.

All in all, it was a busy but rewarding day. I'm grateful for the ability to work from home and the flexibility it affords me. I was able to get a lot done and still have time for my hobbies and personal tasks.

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-12-12 19:18:11 CET Did you know that today it is the Gingerbread House Day read more about it here.!

11th of December 2022

2022-12-11 19:46:48 CET Today was, I'd say, a traditional Sunday - doing the chores and stuff in slow pace. I feel very fortunate to be able to sleep in before we enjoyed a great Brunch.

Today I did some 3D printing in between my administrative "digital paperwork" stuff. I had to sort out some practical arrangements in my little 3D corner due to the new filaments/colours that I bought last week. They have been laying around unused until now when it was time for the planned Christmas 3D prints.

The excursion (from which I have a lot of pictures) and dinner yesterday was great! Wonderful seeing the ladies again before the critical time in the treatment. A lot of emotions and doubts surfaced.

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-12-11 19:47:11 CET Did you know that today in 1913 more than two years after it was stolen from the Louvre, Leonardo da Vinci's painting Mona Lisa is recovered in Florence, Italy. The thief, Vincenzo Peruggia Read more about him on Wikipedia., is immediately arrested

9th and 10th of December 2022

2022-12-10 13:08:57 CET We had a fantastic breakfast with home ground coffee this morning. Feeling that I have a slight cold coming on, but I am not feeling sick at all. I have to take good care of it that it doesn't get worse. Especially when meeting our neighbour lady D.

Today is a busy schedule, an excursion into Antwerp to visit the old hidden library called Nottenbohm Read more about the old library here.. It's very difficult to get in there for a guided tour, but today is the day.

Then this evening we have dinner at home with our neighbour ladies M. and D. We are ready to greet them in our Christmas decorated home.

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-12-10 13:08:09 CET Did you know that today in 1909 Selma Lagerlöf Read more about her on Wikipedia. becomes the first female writer to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature.

5th until 8th of December 2022

2022-12-08 19:58:58 CET I had a busy day today at work (home-office workday). It was all about coming back to normal routines, setting it up on a technical level and mentally getting into it. "Mentally", meaning that I suffered from sleep-deprivation "jetlag" due to the lack of sleep from the nights in the hotel. I don't know, but I could just not get any sleep in that room I had. The AC sounded like a Combine harvester, the air was so dry that my throat and lips turned into a cardboard box and it kept me busy through out the whole night. I maybe dozed in a couple of times, but no real sleep.

Apart from that, it was actually a great time. I missed the business travelling, the airport, the networking and that.. well, it's just a special time that keeps you on the edge and sharp most of the time. Then in the evening when you can relax and meet up with colleagues is really a nice counter weight to my normal working environment. The two extrems is needed for personal development, especially in my line of work!

2022-12-08 22:16:39 CET A little bit about the travelling, I flew from Brussels to Munich with Lufthansa. Together with SAS and KLM, Lufthansa is one of my favourite aviation companies. I also managed to hack the boarding system - I now figured out how they base the order of boarding. First off, everyone on the flight are divided up in groups. Group 1 and 2 all belong to business class and other prioritized customers. You just have to pay more for the tickets and you will be in these groups. Now comes the interesting part, groups 3 and 4 are based on the seats, but not by rows but by columns. People in group 3 are all who booked a window seat, which makes perfect sense not to be in the way for the group to board the aircraft. Namely seats located in the middle. Lastly, group 5, are people occupying the aisle seats. The order of boarding is especially important if you travel with carryon luggage and if the flight is full. Which is was in this case...I was lucky belonging to group 3 on both flights.

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-12-08 19:57:56 CET Did you know that today in 1907 King Gustaf V Read more about him on Wikipedia. of Sweden accedes to the Swedish throne.

2nd until 4th of December 2022

2022-12-04 10:24:40 CET The day is almost over, at least that is how it feels when it's getting dark outside this early. Tomorrow I am traveling to Germany for work and flying back on Wednesday evening. It will be fun to see my team that I have been working with very closely the last 3 years. We have certainly shared a lot during the crazy times...

On Friday it's official winter time for me... I have an appointment to change my tyres then. . Seriously, it will be interesting to see what kind of tyres I get since they are supposed to be in a special format/size.

I received some interesting and fun stuff for the printer, some new interesting filament colors (red, green and gold) suitable for print loads of stuff in the name of Christmas. The Christmas gifts are also starting to drop in...

It's been one of those days again that just flew by, we did a lot of stuff but I have the feeling that nothing was done. If you know what I mean. But now we decided to dropped it, lean back and try to relax. Enjoy a glass of wine and some nice food. Relaxing is something which has proved to be problematic lately.

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-12-04 10:24:17 CET Did you know that today is the World Wildlife Conservation Day Read more about it here..

1st of December 2022

2022-12-01 09:53:05 CET December is here, the last month of 2022 started. For me it was a gentle start. So far at least, I certainly do not want to jinx it!

Oh, I have to check out if I can download this year's Julkalendern (Christmas Calendar) Read more about this great Swedish tradition on Wikipedia. For us it started when J was young (not sure who liked it the most, his parents or him).. It's a tradition, listening to Julradio (Christmas radio broadcast) and watching the "Julkalendern", which is supposed to be a good one this year...

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-12-01 09:54:01 CET Did you know that today in 1918 Iceland Read more about Iceland on Wikipedia. becomes a sovereign state, yet remains a part of the Danish kingdom.