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The Daily Update...

"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson
31st of October 2022

2022-10-31 15:32:30 CET Had a fantastic breakfast this morning, this day off - I bridged the day as it's a bank holiday tomorrow.

The main activity planned for today is to guide J in his studying - an Excel exam is coming up soon. All the theory is done and the plan was to do some practical exercises in the afternoon. We started, but got interrupted as he needed to attend an online meeting. Hopefully, when we resume again, it will go a little bit smoother...

I am testing out a dehumidifier - I found this called ProBreeze dehumidifier I found this mini dehumidifier - the Pro Breeze dehumidifier 500 ml. Check it out on YouTube. mini model. The plan was to have it placed close by the 3D printers It looks really promising, so far I really like this little machine! as the print quality will suffer if you print with moist filament. There are more places and use cases at home - bathroom, laundry room etc - if it proves to be a good product. Seems promising; already after about an hour I could see some fluid collected in the tank. The daily limit for this - the smallest model in this range - is 250 ml.

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-10-31 13:41:53 CET Did you know that today in 1517 Martin Luther Read more about him on Wikipedia. posts his 95 Theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg.

30th of October 2022

2022-10-30 11:15:42 CET Woke up this morning feeling much better. I slept like a baby (except for a short intermezzo at 02:00 when J arrived home) and also had an "extra hour" more to enjoy this morning. Fantastic coffee with the breakfast. We could even enjoy some sun and a quick stroll in the garden and watering the plants before H had to leave for Brussels.

Earlier I drove her to the train station Read more about it on Wikipedia. and was back again at 11:00. She is visiting J's godmother S. in Brussels today. Hopefully they can enjoy the day with nice weather.

While driving back from the train station, Google led me through some really nice areas in Berchem. It could probably be classified as an alternative-artistic-upper-class neighbourhood. The Tesslas are parked in front of the carefully arranged townhouse-entries to have that "nonchalant" overgrown look (the gardeners have made a superb job) . But it was very pretty driving through the streets in the sun!

Today will be the focus to help out J with some schoolwork - it's a study week coming up for the first upcoming exams. Let's see if I can squeeze in some 3D design/-printing in between. I would also need to backup my Raspberry Pi's...

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-10-30 11:23:42 CET Did you know that today in 1863 Danish Prince Vilhelm arrives in Athens to assume his throne as George I Read more about him on Wikipedia., King of the Hellenes.

28th and 29th of October 2022

2022-10-29 14:02:31 CET Not feeling too well today, it's like the body is fighting something. I did a negative Covid-19 test ..which is positive news .

I will have to take it easy today and see what's possible.

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-10-27 18:18:13 CET Did you know that today in 1787 Mozart's Read more about him on Wikipedia. opera Don Giovanni receives its first performance in Prague.

25th to 27th of October 2022

2022-10-27 18:03:38 CET I have not done a good job in updating this site the last couple of days. Shame on me ! The only defence I can use is that it's been busy lately. I know, it's a lame excuse.

It was an early start today with work and I am just done. I tried to make it as enjoyable as possible. The coffee is of course a must! But I also reallocated down to the veranda for the two first calls. The sun was going up and I could really enjoy the nice view The office view for the day. Well, first half of it, by lunch I had to move up to my normal office space..

Yesterday we had visitors over - our friends M and B and also friend C - for a Halloween dinner Look how nicely decorated the table was! Note the 3D printed pumpkin heads, ghosts and coffins I printed.... I think that everyone enjoyed it and needed the distraction from every-day work stress (and the bad news that hit friend B.). It was a very nice evening and night that H could put together in a matter of hours (despite her work stress and busy schedule) with fantastic food and super funny decorations Look at this funny small appetizers that were served... .

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-10-27 18:18:13 CET Did you know that today it's been 75 years when the first Pizza arrived in Sweden. It was today in 1947 when the first Pizza was served in the restaurant called "Sjöhagen" in Västerås (and at the same time also in Stockholm in the restaurant called Tre RemmareRead more about it on Wikipedia.) by Italian immigrants first introduced the meal.

24th of October 2022

2022-10-24 18:15:01 CET Today has been a typical working day, a lot of unplanned project admin stuff. As usual, and on any Monday, the coffe was an important companion.

I was however able to run some 3D prints (two 4 hours+ Halloween prints related) in parallel. Nice to be able to have something going as a distraction if needed. It's actually a very nice thing to have during a busy working day; holiday for the brain, just like a little resort where it can enjoy itself.

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-10-24 18:24:57 CET Did you know that today it is the United Nation Day Read more about it on Wikipedia..

23rd of October 2022

2022-10-23 11:55:01 CET Enjoying my coffee tremendously this gray Sunday morning. The plan was to go to Brussels, but we learned that there is a huge demonstration for the environment today in Brussels between 13:00 and 20:00. The message is basically "if you don't have to, do not come to Brussels with car today".

For the rest so far, we are busy doing plans for the wupcoming week and some general chores around the house.

2022-10-23 23:11:49 CET We have started seeing Dahmer (the Netflix series Read more on IMDB.), a recommendation from J. We have only just started episode 2, but it looks promising so far.

I also started downloading from SVT Play "Tunna blå Linjen" season two. I loved the first season and hopefully this is as good as the one. I was also checking out what we have on Prime Video, there are some nice stuff there too.

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-10-23 12:52:57 CET Did you know that today in 2001 releases Apple Computer the iPod Read more about it on Wikipedia..

21st and 22nd of Oct 2022

2022-10-22 16:51:40 CET Today was an active day so far, still done in a relaxed way but there was always something going on. After a nice and relaxed breakfast, it was time to do some work in the garden. It was a nice sunny day which made it even more pleasant. Then J went to the guitar lesson while the rest of the family headed out to the closest shopping mall - a small one in the neighbourhood - to buy some jeans.

J showed some interest in old cameras, the old cameras that you have to load a roll of film and have it developed . SO cute how he was asking where the preview was. Took some convincing him on how it works, explaining him that there are only 24 or 36 pictures in one roll. Also talked about how the ISO number is the light sensitivity of the film, the logic of the shutter speed and the aperture. It was a lot to take in, for sure. He is very impressed about the 3 old cameras that I still have - the Pentax S3, the Leica R4 MOT Electric and a Cannon 400 (I also have the digital one) and all the equipment that goes with it. Trip down the memory lane for sure. It was actually one undeveloped roll of film still in the Leica camera... I have to get it developed!

I am also busy doing some research on solarpanel installation - the loans and local legislations, companies and providers, whether it's wise to also include a battery, the return of investment, ...etc. It's actually very interesting! More to come for sure!

I also found some interesting X- and Z linear rails that would fit and be the next little upgrade project for my Creality 3D printer. I am really excited about that actually, moving away from the wheels and use linear rails instead.

Tomorrow we will go to Brussels and meet up with J's Swedish Godmother S. who has been living in Brussels for a long time and works for the EU parliament.

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-10-22 16:52:06 CET Did you know that today in 1633 the Ming dynasty defeats Read more about it on Wikipedia. the Dutch East India Company.

20th of Oct 2022

2022-10-20 22:29:46 CET Just minutes before I go to bed, I am eating licorice - mix of Dutch "Drop" Read more about the Dutch version of licorice candy. Not as good as the Swedish kind, but it will do..., Swedish "Djungelvrål" The real stuff! Read more about it here at the homepage of Malaco. and "Salta bilar" Read more about it here on Cloetta's homepage. - and drinking water.

The weather was mostly gray and rainy and at work it was a pretty calm day so I did some administrative stuff. Tomorrow I am planning to go to the office in Brussels. Let's see how that plays out... I heard the traffic has been especially bad lately.

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-10-20 22:29:57 CET Did you know that today in 2022 Liz Truss Read more about her and what happened ...well, today. resigns as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom after 44 days in office, making her the shortest-serving prime minister in the country's history.

18th and 19th of Oct 2022

2022-10-19 22:27:53 CET It was a normal working day today, a lot to do thus. But it is all good, very interesting projects that are progressing fine - the guys are doing a great job. A new project which I am technically involved in - the best kind...

At home front; a delivery with some 3D printing goodies arrived. A package Two bags of X- and Y mounting kit arrived. This is going onto the linear rails (opposed to the wheels system today). I have all except the linear rails it self. There I have to do some more investigations... of X and Y linear rail kit arrived and it looks really good. Now I have all but the rails itself. I need to do some investigations about which ones that are the best rails. I would really have the ones from LDO, but they are not easy to get a hold on from what it seems.

The flowers and plants The plan is to have them planted along the left side of the garden where the sun shines constantly and where it's hopeless to grow any grass... that we bought last weekend are finally getting their place in the garden. It's really looking great with some more colours. The bees and bumblebees already found them and are doing their work...

Today I squeezed in a little trip, a longer stroll than just around the block. I took the bike, met up with H and my father in law to have something to drink and then a walk back. A forest-walk back in a beautiful autumn scenery Very nice autumn day today during the walk..

2022-10-19 23:20:22 CET I almost forgot to mention another interesting thing, at least for me, is that Amazon now is present in Belgium. Yes, we are a bit after the rest of the developed countries. Before I had to order from Amazon in Germany or in the Netherlands. What made it all more interesting was the great deal to hook up with Amazon Prime services (which means Amazon streaming and next-day delivery service in shipping etc). It was such a great price that I simply could NOT resist. I simply had to try it out and I ordered something (see previous post) .

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-10-19 22:30:15 CET Did you know that today in 1512 Martin Luther Read more about him on Wikipedia. becomes a doctor of theology.

17th of Oct 2022

2022-10-17 22:37:43 CET Today the week started how the work weeks normally start, I'd say. Full days, with a lot of things to keep track on.

J and I had the evening mostly for our self's, I did the cooking (curry madrass with basmati rice was on the menu). One of those cook at home kits that you buy a la HelloFresh. But it's not from them, just the concept. All the ingredients you get with the instructions and you have to cook it. It must be the most easy way of making a business - sell the recipe with the ingredients and leave the rest for the customer. Anyway, the result was nice, I succeeded pretty darn well. And I actually enjoyed doing it...

On top of it, I had a great evening with J, we watched a documentary about a serial killer. Interesting conversation followed about that, the history of Marvel, Stan Lee Read more about the father of Spiderman (my favourite superhero. At one point, I had all the comics from) and the villans on Wikipedia. and superheroes in general. As one does...

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-10-16 20:14:39 CET Did you know that today in 1933 Albert Einstein Read more about him on Wikipedia. flees Nazi Germany and moves to the United States.

15th and 16th of Oct 2022

2022-10-16 19:20:30 CET Today was a nice and relaxed day, a typical Sunday I'd say. We could sleep in, which I certainly did. Then I kicked it off by wishing my dad T. a happy birthday in good old Sweden. We have entered the period of birthdays on my family - first brother N. and then my dad. Later on in November is it my older brother's turn and in January it's finally my mom's birthday. There you go, my family tree .

This weekend was really in the name of birthdays - yesterday it was my godchild E.'s birthday party. Really nice and close family celebration accompanied with J.

Today we went to Pelckmans garden shop Really, really nice experience. Fantastic service here in the outskirts of everything the customer is ACTUALLY important.. The 40 min drive was really worth it. Huge place with loads of plants and everything for the garden in the showroom. And, guess what, great service too! We bought loads of plants No more place to fit anything... and flowers for our garden.

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-10-16 20:14:39 CET Did you know that today in 1923 the Walt Disney Company Read more about it on Wikipedia. is founded.

13th and 14th of Oct 2022

2022-10-14 19:25:01 CET It's silly that I didn't update earlier than now. Well, it means then that I have been preoccupied with other stuff. True, to some extend. There is always time for updating here for me as it is something I like to do, easy for me and the process of doing it is, or so I thought, streamlined. It got me thinking and I have been investigating the "static webpage generation" framework called Hugo. Hugo is something that I have known for a long time (started when checking the best framework for JmaJhemela The website for the music school I made. Probably the nicest website you EVER see... Muhahaha ! site). So, what I am trying to say, this is actually something for me, it is an investment, a therapy for my self. Ego trip.

Anyways, so where do I start? Pathetic as I am only talking about 2 days but it feels like a week. I did some printing today, some Halloween decoration stuff that can be cool to have.

Away from it all, I am so in balance at the moment. That is what we have to be happy for, the micro-moments when we feel the bliss. So, I am fiddling and poking around with this and I hear J playing his guitar upstairs, H. is close to me with her unique and constant feedback. What a wonderful family I have! I am a lucky, but oh so aged, little shit!

...and now, time for dinner. J. has to make a break in his playing (after the night out, home at 03:00 in the morning, up at 06:00 for his class, still whistling this evening and his parents giving his space...but who had no see get my point) to have our family evening. sublime!

OK, I am having a dual prints going - all in the name of halloween . More to come, I have great pics.

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-10-14 19:29:08 CET Did you know that today in 1926 A. A. Milne Read more about this important event on Wikipedia. and E. H. Shepard's children"s book Winnie-the-Pooh is first published, introducing the eponymous teddy bear to the public under his most famous name.

12th of Oct 2022

2022-10-12 12:57:27 CET It's been a slow day today, the coffee was greatly appreciated and I enjoyed it to the fully.

Today J will be home late from campus , it's located furthest away also his project group decided to meet up and work together today.

Just as a side note; I learned today that Angela Lansbury Amazing career that stretches from 1942 until 2022... Read more about her on Wikipedia. passed yesterday. It's been one of those actresses that followed my whole life. RIP!

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-10-12 13:15:21 CET Did you know that today in 1901 President Theodore Roosevelt officially renames the "Executive Mansion" to the White House Read more about it on Wikipedia..

9th to 11th of Oct 2022

2022-10-11 10:10:38 CET There have been a couple of eventful days lately and I started this update a couple of times as well but never got to finish it. Hopefully I can finish it this time .

If I start in reverse order with this morning - a hectic time when everything happens at the same time. Funny how that is. Just when you already have a stressy morning (a teenage moment started it off nicely), our cleaning lady A. is late without a key to get in and J leaves later at the same time and, of course, at that very moment neighbour ladies M and D are leaving to the hospital... Why is it that everything tends to happen at the same time?

Just before that happened, there are things/crises at work. When your boss calls and wonder about something and we have to clear out a missunderstanding my stress level was already elevated. So, thus a very interesting couple of hours in the morning already. I can only now start to enjoy my coffee... hopefully, I had my quota of stress for the day.

2022-10-11 15:28:39 CET The call went well that I mentioned earlier and the things are slowing down a little bit. Our cleaning lady A. did a fantastic job. J. is back, I received a delivery (3 rolls It's very exciting since this is the first time I try Polymaker. I love the idea that the profile of the company is about environmental awareness - for every roll bought, they plant a tree. Nice stuff! I planted 3 trees by ordering "Charcoal Black", "Sapphire Blue" and "Sunrise Orange" PLA rolls. of 3D printer filament) and even the weather changed for the better. Again, everything happens at the same time. I perfer when it is all nice things...

Later this evening I have an appointment for the 4th Covid-19 vaccination - I wonder how I will react this time...

Another interesting thing that kept me busy the last couple of days is checking out Autodesk Fusion 360 - the CAD/CAM system. I always thought it was too expensive and I did all my design in FreeCAD until I learned that there is a free version of Fusion 360 It's a fantastic tool as far as I can see. I just wonder what will happen after 3 years, will I have to buy then?. It's still a little bit unclear, I think it's free for 3 years for what ever odd reason.

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-10-08 19:30:53 CET Did you know that in 1910 Theodore Roosevelt becomes the first U.S. president to fly in an airplane. Arch Hoxsey Read more about him on Wikipedia. was the pilot who would die the same year.

8th of Oct 2022

2022-10-08 19:29:21 CET Today was a great day. But it did not start and certainly did not progress according to plans. Not at all, it completely changed! The guitar teacher was sick and the lesson cancelled, neighbour lady D will not come home today and tomorrow the plans of visiting J's god mom S in Brussels is not going through due to sickness. It completely changes the weekend from a weekend full of things planned to something that I can really appreciate! It's almost like we get a whole weekend for our self's free to do what ever we want. As a bonus. You know what I mean, right..?

Yesterday we visited parents in law with the family of my brother in law. It was just a gettogether without a special reason, just because we can, no pandemic, no restrictions and because it was a long time since we did it. It was nice and cosy, J passed by also to say hi before he headed out with friends. They had planned a HP - an House Party. It was apparently fantastic! He arrived home safe and sound at around 03:00. We saw the pictures today from parents and also from J - what a fantastic bunch of friends!!!

2022-10-09 01:00:42 CET Neighbour lady D just left an evening with board games and nice food. Actually, it was great food - home made burgers made by a well renowned burger cook. Yes you guessed it, I made them .

OK, I have to wait with the update about the latest development in the world of 3D printing and recent 3D development on home front. I spent so much time to finalize it today - I ran into some unforeseen issues. I was so excited when I could finally resolved the issues I struggled with... I know you can't wait to hear about it, but you just have to collect all your patience until tomorrow ... I have to go to bed.

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-10-08 19:30:53 CET Did you know that today Matt Damon Read more about him here. was born on the National Chess Day Read more about the Chess day that started 1976 here..

6th and 7th of Oct 2022

2022-10-07 18:56:41 CET I thought of doing just a quick update before we have to go. Last two days were ordinary working days of which today I was in the office in Brussels.

I did some nice work on one of the 3D printers which I will do some more posts on. But now I have to go...

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-10-07 19:07:06 CET Did you know that today is it the World Smile Day Read more here about World Smile Day..

5th of Oct 2022

2022-10-05 19:18:57 CET Some important milestones were ticked off today in two of my biggest projects. It was hard work, but it always feels nice once it's done and the result is positive. I hardly had the chance to enjoy coffee...

An unforeseen thing happened - but I should should re-evaluated as it happens rather frequent - the tram didn't run today in time for J's class. As it worked out - campus location and time wise - I could drive him and he was in time for the first lesson. Perfect. It was a struggle getting back though...

2022-10-05 19:34:11 CET H. had her Covid-19 vaccination jab this afternoon. Let's see how she feels tonight... I still have some time before I get it - 26th of October.

For the rest, we are enjoying the autumn days with a nice cosy openfire Such a nice feeling to have a nice fire burning in the evenings. every day...

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-10-05 19:03:59 CET Did you know that today in 1962 the first of the James Bond Today is it global James Bond day - the day the first James Bond movie was released. Read more on Wikipedia. film series, based on the novels by Ian Fleming, Dr. No, is released in Britain.

4th of Oct 2022

2022-10-04 18:33:40 CET It was a very nice day today on multiple levels. At work, it was one of those days when it all falls in place. It's a treat and it makes all the hassle worth the while...

We all had our own things to do, places to be at and I just love it how we can come together and share the experience of the day - university life, external social work environment and my efficient home work environment.

I am really thinking and doing some research on the next 3D printing upgrade. And all hardware I need for this is in my ownership . I actually bought som stuff needed for my Creality Ender 3 v2 machine a long time ago. There were some things that I know I need in the future - the MCU board, the double Z-axis kit and the direct drive kit. I have them all for a long time. Logically, I better start with the computer board (version 4.2.7 and the firmware that goes with it) and then move on with the rest.

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-10-04 18:34:02 CET Did you know that today in 1883 first run of the Orient Express Read more about it on Wikipedia. I always wanted to travel with the Orient Express. It's a bucket-list item for sure!.

2nd and 3rd of Oct 2022

2022-10-03 13:59:00 CET Today started like most working week starts, some calls and items to do. I don't have too many calls, so I'll focus on administrative and coordination tasks. I enjoy the coffee very much a day like today.

Yesterday ended a fantastic weekend really with a climax - the visit to the seaside. We had a nice time with our friends at their caravan (it's more like a little house), had a cosy time together with nice drinks and snacks. Then a walk along the seaside to the restaurant to eat and enjoy a blues-band that was playing the whole night. The music and the food was absolutely brilliant!

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-10-03 14:06:00 CET Did you know that today is it the National Techies Day

30th of Sep and 1st of Oct 2022

2022-10-01 14:45:02 CET Yesterday was another workday in the Brussels office. It was a nice day seeing back colleagues - few that I still recognise, most of them are new. We discussed it and someone commented how many new hires there are. The oldies in the company hardly recognise anyone these days as most of them were hired during pandemic.

After work I drove home (the traffic was terrible, completely stuck at times and it took almost 2 hours to get home) started charging the car only to leave again after about 45 minutes. J was going to meet up with friends and his parents went out to a restaurant to see friends. We have tried for so long to meet, but something always came in between. A pandemic, sickness and other unforeseen things that came in between. But finally, we could see them and it was really nice!

This morning we slept in and could enjoy the coffee and breakfast in proper slow weekend pace. J had his guitar lesson while I took a nice walk between the rain showers, I could even enjoyed some sunshine. There was also time to start another 3D print, I am doing a re-print - the little box was such a success that we need at least one more.

Tonight we have our neighbour lady M over again for some board games and talks. A lot has happened on that front and we all need to be update each other. And to be comforted.

Tomorrow we are going for the day to the coast to meet up with friends. It will be nice to enjoy the seaside atmosphere, meet our friends and there is also a blues festival going on there. It will be late for sure...

I finally got around to book a time for Covid-19 vaccination - the first slot that worked out for me is 26th of October.

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. 2022-10-01 14:51:50 CET Did you know that today is the International Coffee Day Read more about this very important day! !!!!