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The Daily Update...

5th of January 2022

11:42:05 CET Woke up this morning to another workday full of calls. A fresh pot of coffee to enjoy will be my companion.

To follow-up on what I mentioned yesterday, we had to really investigate what the current rules are and the concrete steps we need to take in case you've been in "close contact" with someone positive with Covid. It's not the easiest to figure out what needs to be done. I think that is one of the problems, at least here in Belgium, there are no real clear communication. Seems they gave up on that long time ago. To prove my point, there are already new rules as of today...what we learned yesterday is not valid today. Typical!

We will follow closely with Covid self-tests and on Saturday J will have to do an official PCR test. At least that is what we know today ...who knows what we have to do tomorrow?

14:57:51 CET Yet another of J's friends tested positive with Covid. Now J starts to feel muscle pain... we will soon make a covid self test. If it's not positive I'd be really surprised.

According to the latest regulations, we do not need to do a PCR test and in case of a positive self test, J has to go into quarantine for 7 days. If there are no symptoms after this time, he can simply go to school on Tuesday. Soon we will know. Now I have to join a conference call...

15:58:24 CET OK, it's confirmed. We have COVID at home , J tested positiveThis is the result, I found it not very clear, but it's a positive result. The top red line shows that the sample was correctly added (C), the pink line below (T) is what makes it positive - a negative result would have shown nothing there. just now.

Did you know? 11:41:57 CET Did you know... that today in 1965 Patrik Sjöberg, Swedish high jumper is born.

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson