08:40:39 CET Saturday morning and the coffee is doing its magic ! J is off for his 2nd PCR test and in a couple of hours we know the result .
09:04:15 CET The new RPi 4b Yesterday night I could continue tweaking the Raspberry Pi environment - I am not the biggest fan of the GNOME desktop environment, I decided to use the KDE PlasmaHave a glimpse on what KDE Plasma is about. I have used it before and it's great. instead. I have a feeling it's running much smoother and more responsive.
18:30:17 CET It was great seeing my friend Damien who drove all the way from France. I got my bottles of wine (ordered just before the pandemic broke out) and we could have a great catch-up and great lunch. He did not go back empty-handed either - some 3D printed things and something I brought back from LA when I was there last time. It's really been a long time!
22:47:52 CET OK, the coffee beans are grinded and prepared for tomorrow . It will be a mix of the "brazil yellow bourbon" beans (pure arabica) and the last of something else I had tucked away. And with that, I am signing out.
2021-06-03 08:23:24 CET "There is still a lot to learn and there is always great stuff out there. Even mistakes can be wonderful." -Robin Williams