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The Daily Update...

9th of January 2022

12:36:01 CET Sunday breakfast, not very typical due to COVID and also the fact that school is about to begin. It will be a strange for J who will have to start online since most of the class have COVID and are all in quarantine.

We are not looking forward to the start, but at the same time we want it all to begin. I just hope that the COVID situation will be manageable, not too much of the online schooling for J. But if I see how terribly bad it's managed in Belgium I don't have too positive feeling about it. One example is the worst minister of education there is, someone who is disconnected from reality. What a moron!

If you noticed, I have removed the Christmas inspired theme (the Christmas coffee mug), the holiday season is fading into the memories of Christmas 2021 and the new year of 2022.

Quick update related about the RPi HQ camera... 12:53:39 CET Sometime back I noticed that the pictures of the Raspberry Pi HQ camera is not well tuned. They are generally too dark and as a quick-fix, I used the pre-set exposure setting called night. It's OK, but I've seen that it's not ideal for sharpness on moving objects as the exposure time tend to be too long. Especially when light is poor.

I took the time to do a little bit of research and found a Python script to run through a couple of Raspistill settings (completely configurable) automatically hereFound a nice Python script at Let's see what it gives...

Did you know? 12:36:17 CET Did you know... that today in 1431 the trial of Joan of Arc begins in Rouen.

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson