The Daily Update...

20th of August 2021

10:30:58 CET I am back in reality! Didn't have much time to keep this site updated the last couple of days. Now enjoying my coffee a little bit extra much this morning . I slept like a baby after the 1245 km drivecheck out the image I posted on the 10th of August (through three countries) yesterday . Overall, it was a good drive. We did it in under 12 hours with all the breaks included. It means we had an average speed of around 110 km/h.

The worst stretch in Germany is the northern Autobahn (Elbe tunnel and around Hamburg and the road constructions between Bremen and Osnabruck specifically). And what's going on with the never-ending road constructions? I remember the same issue in the car with my parents must have been 30+ years ago. One memory stuck in my mind was the traffic jams and being stuck for an eternity before going into Elbe tunnel. Another memory is the horrible accident that took place just where we were sitting eating our picnic. From one second to the next, the quiet and nice countryside where we were parked turned into a chaotic site; bloody people, ambulances and people crying everywhere . It kind of ruined the holiday feeling that day.

2021-07-01 13:24:25 CET "I'm killing time while I wait for life to shower me with meaning and happiness." -Bill Watterson