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The Daily Update...

23rd of August 2021

10:55:35 CET Coffee is, more than normal, a necessity today. Back at work, working through the backlog of about 3000+ emails. But I think I have to focus on about 500 of them. That is always the worst thing about returning from holiday.

OK, next call is about to start...

11:02:50 CET Stefan Löfven is resigning Oh, I almost forgot; just a quick comment on the brilliant news that Stefan Löfven is resigning as the prime minister of Sweden. I think that is brilliant news. Question is what's coming in his place. Something worse is impossible!

13:14:36 CET Now in your language Look at the top right cornercheck it out! ! Notice anything new here at Indeed, you can translate the complete site with the help of Google Translate. No need for any extensions or anything, simply click the link accordingly and WHOPAAA, it's translating for you.

19:39:03 CET OK, first workday done. It was actually done about an hour ago, but it took some time to "land". I also spent some time updating (update/upgrade) my RPi:s - OSMC, OctoPrint (which I named OctoPihl of course), the desktop and the LAMP etc server.

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET "The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson