11:12:53 CET Enjoyed my ground coffee this morning tremendously (had to look up the verb form of grind - is it grinded or ground. Now I know) while trying to wake up .
I am still tired after the trip; I have a twitching eye and my throat is feeling strange - which I find odd. It might just I am tired, but to be absolutely sure I will do a Covid-19 self-test. Just to be on the safe side and in case I meet someone. It might be nothing, just the fact that I had trouble falling asleep yesterday (since one in the family came home late last night) due to normal parental circumstances .
13:33:36 CET The A negative Covid-19 self-testA negative Covid-19 self-test. The stripe/indication on C, means the sample/extraction is good. If the T would have been indicated, it means the test is positive. was done. Which is good . Interesting, now I know how that works. I think it's worse doing it on yourself than when a doctor/nurse did it (back in April last year, before my surgery).
2021-07-01 13:24:25 CET "I'm killing time while I wait for life to shower me with meaning and happiness." -Bill Watterson