The Daily Update...

11th of June 2021

07:45:56 CET It was late last night and I slept badly. Coffee to my rescue (a whole pot full). The next batch of coffee will be from another bean type.

08:52:19 CET Evening activities. Boot RPi 4 up on USB Flash or SATA SSD. I tried it out, as Raspberry Pi 4 now supports it, booting from USB flash (or from external SSD). Extremely handy to just flash a new distro to it, remove the main SD card and reboot and BOOM you have a new system running. I noticed that it's best to have USB 3.0 though, I only had a 64GB USB 2.0 laying around. But the best is to get an external SATA SSDSome hint on Amazon what I am after. These should be fine for RPi 4b. Don't forget the SATA to USB cable!. That will boost the performance tremendously.

16:18:25 CET Finally, it's Friday and I am wrapping up for the week. Soon a glass of wine (or two) and enjoy the nice weather. NICE!
J. did yet another exam today - 2 done, 10 to go.

16:37:12 CET I almost forgot, yesterday I finally installed the 3d printed "inlet filter" I wrote about earlier. It was clogged and had almost stopped working from all the dirt, no choice but to start working. I took it apart and, lo and behold perfect fitBefore and after; the "bottom image" is before applying the filter I made. Yes, I cleaned it after the picture was taken ;-) and until now it's been running without any issues.

18:12:32 CET I was listening to AC/DC's latest album Power Up and "discovered" a very nice song. It's called "Through the mists of time". Wonderful! Knowing it's a tribute to Malcolm (who suffered from Dementia and passed away in 2017) doesn't make it any worse... ENJOY!

2021-06-03 08:23:24 CET "There is still a lot to learn and there is always great stuff out there. Even mistakes can be wonderful." -Robin Williams