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The Daily Update...

12th of September 2021

10:59:22 CET That's one great cup of coffee! It was a great birthday dinner yesterday with inspirational talks. Isn't the nicest with honest conversations?

I received the two 5 port switches delivered yesterday (wrote about it herecheck out this posted on the 10th of Sep) and I couldn't wait to install them. One is located by the TV (which gives me wired connections to the "Apple TV" and the "Raspberry Pi OSMC media station" etc.). The other was installed close to the router resulting in three free ports. Now I can connect the network cable needed from the car charger. I also mounted it and my Hue access point nicely together (away from dust etc).

Plans for today is to guide and support J in his studies - math test tomorrow and other upcoming tasks and tests in the week.

19:00:30 CET I did some updates on my OSMC Raspberry Pi media machine. Only possible now when I have wired internet... It's great that enhancements enable additional perks. Additional stability due to the improved internet connection is apparent and I am able to enable new features. I activated the Transmission service in OSMC which makes it possible to download torrents directly on the Raspberry Pi (with my own 3D printed casing). I tried it out, lightning fast.

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET "The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson