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The Daily Update...

13th of January 2022

08:39:32 CET Today is the first day in some time that I am working home alone again. I am enjoying the coffee in silence seeing how the morning turns into day. A misty day.

H left for work early, long before the daylight. J left like normal on his moped, I am sure he will enjoy being with his friends today.

It's a demanding workday today, I have to start getting stuff done before the next call. Catch you soon...

22:42:07 CET So tomorrow my son is 18 years old. In many ways he is officially a "grown up" then. I write "grown up" within quotes because he is a man (men never grows up) and also at 18 years of age you're not really a "grown up" per se. On paper and for the society he is apparently ready!

I didn't feel that being a parent to an 18 year old "child" would be a big thing. But it's HUGE!

So my son; 18 years ago your mom and your dad were dreaming about how you would turn out. I remember as it would have been yesterday, how we dreamed of having a son with honest values with integrity, self assured and a sense of humour that is reflecting your personality. As years went by I felt more and more convinced of our investment was worth it. Slowly but steadily you're turning out as we would have hoped.

Today; I look up to the stars, through the dreamcatcher and I hear my son playing guitar in the background and I know, I just know, if I would die tomorrow I would have an content smile on my face because I would have the sense feeling that my purpose of life is forefilled. I love you with all my heart my Wonderful son, you complete my life in a way you will only understand when (because I have a feeling you will) your child is turning 18.

Did you know? 08:46:27 CET Did you know... that today in 1888 the National Geographic Society is founded in Washington, D.C.

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson