The Daily Update...

12th of June 2021

15:10:56 CET Finally what you have been waiting for, a new post. The waiting is over ! I enjoyed a nice cup of coffee this morning before the day started. Nice coffee, but it was "just normal" coffee. Call me Barista. I missed the coffee beans and I will make sure to grind some more for tomorrow. I had only time for a quick call with my parents in Sweden because I was getting late for an appointment at a car showroom, then a hairdresser appointment. Yes, time for grooming, it was way overdue . The rest of the family, poor them, are busy studying. Doesn't matter the weekday, no rest until the exams are done.

16:50:33 CET Just a quick update on my RPi 4b project Small update on where I am with my RPi 4bMeaning Raspberry Pi 4b if there are any doubts as I made some recent changes. I completely wiped my previous installation (Ubuntu Desktop) and replaced it with Ubuntu Mate 20.04.2 LTS. When it comes to hardware changes; not too much, just got an HDMI switch to be able to alternate between the computers (two machines are sharing one screen). It works really well (at least once I got better quality HDMI cables - version 2.0). I changed the setupThe small black box on top is the RPi 4b around a bit and got a wired internet connection. The biggest work done was spent on my software set up - to get all my programs, tools and services installed. I am almost there but it's not yet finalized. It's good enough for the first image-backup with Clonezilla though.

2021-06-03 08:23:24 CET "There is still a lot to learn and there is always great stuff out there. Even mistakes can be wonderful." -Robin Williams