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The Daily Update...

13th of September 2021

19:30:56 CET Today was an unusual day. Hardly any time for coffee. The inspection today didn't go very well, not well at all, in fact. One plug was too close from the pond (need to be 2 m away) and the earthing/grounding was not existing in one circuit - in the veranda and for the garden.

We didn't get the approval we so desperately needed. The work tomorrow morning can't start without that approval! ...hang on...right now, as I am writing this at 19:36, our electrician is calling to let us know that we have the approval. The work done today (proof was sent through in pictures) was sufficient for the inspector.

22:19:34 CET Let's see what tomorrow brings. It will start early, that's for sure. Fluvius could be here already at 07:15 starting the upgrade to 3-phase and installing a digital meter for electricity and gas. I hope that will go smoother than today's work.

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET "The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson