14:10:56 CET A haven doesn't have to be a place you need to travel to, create your spacemy little haven for the day , enjoy it as much as you can whatever you're doing. Coffee certainly is one factor that will make any work feel easier. Being outside in the sun is another...
22:20:08 CET A busy and productive day comes to an end. Now another extremely intense week for all of us is about to start. I'd better go to bed and get the rest needed when possible. Just before I go, I came up with the following saying "The common similarities for bad and good is that both can get better. Something great can only get worse". Thought it's pretty good. With that, signing out...
2021-06-03 08:23:24 CET "There is still a lot to learn and there is always great stuff out there. Even mistakes can be wonderful." -Robin Williams