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The Daily Update...

14th of September 2021

07:14 CET Enjoying the coffee in the early hours. We received the message that the technician is on the way. No clue from where or when, but he is out there somewhere...

The electricity will be out during most of the work. It should take about 2 hours once the technician starts.

11:34:45 CET Fluvius sent a very capable technician this morning. Turns out he's been living in the neighbourhood 20 years ago. It was all done in 1.5 hour - a new digital electricity- and also a new gas meter installation.

The very last touch-up work is being done by our electrician - the earthing/grounding wiring. Now I can complete the request form and submit the requested photos to BlueCorner (all needed for the car home charger installation)...

16:13:10 CET All the work is done so far and I have submitted (questioner with pictures) all that is required to Bluecorner. Now we have to wait for them to do the last installation - the home charging station. I can't wait!

Now the boring stuff to do - all the clean-up and paying the bills...

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET "The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson