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The Daily Update...

20th of January 2022

07:49:47 CET It was an early start this morning, first the fan in one of my Raspberry Pi computers started making an interesting sound. Then, shortly after that, Mocka started crying for food. If a cat cries like that, it is humanly impossible to ignore it.

I just had to get up, put the coffee on and do the "morning cat greeting ceremony". What, you ask yourself? I tell you; first open the front door, Mocka (our street cat ) will then come in and start by taking a couple of inspection laps. She then follows you into the garage where we keep her food and at this stage, as I am sitting down, she likes to be petted. As long it's not too much of it though, just right or she gets annoyed. The food is carefully selected together and then we proceed out (she lives in her own house just outside) to her food bowl. Important here, however is that she must lead the way in her pace, certainly not too fast. If I would walk too fast, she'd let me know. I think the pace is directly dependant how hungry she is - the hungrier the faster. Food can now be deployed with accompanying soft "headbutts". There is nothing on earth more cute than a cat looking at you with those round black eyes, purring and the whiskers pointing slightly forward. Did you ever see the scene in Shrek when the cat "Puss in boots" have those eyesCutest?... that is exactly it.

Did you know? 08:13:21 CET Did you know... that today in 2009 Barack Obama is inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States of America.

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson