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The Daily Update...

15th of September 2021

12:32:06 CET Early start today, I had a training starting at 08:00, which completely threw around my schedule. I stayed alive, fresh and alert with a lot of coffee

Yesterday I took some time going over the styling a little bit. I did some clean-up on the main pages (the bookmarks and the stuff pages) to be more unified. Also, related to this, some research in CSS and Bootstrap.

OK, that's it for now...

17:32:22 CET We've had issues with J's moped recently ...again. We just did a general check-up - cooling, oil and carburettor - all seems OK. I checked the sparkplug and maybe it was a little bit too greasy/wet. After it was cleaned we went for a test ride and it seemed all OK. Afterwards however, we heard a noise from, what we think is coming from the engine. Not sure what it could be... Is it normal having so many issues?

I will end this post with a positive remark, how wonderful it was to have that father-son moment. Maybe J doesn't see it that way right now...

19:24:13 CET I am trying out the text editor VSCodium - a fork from Visual Studio Code project. As we all know is the BEST editor. OK, so interesting geek news! It's actually a big deal for me on a) Raspberry Pi level and on b) on my web editing setup level. To make it all unified, this is the step in the right direction. IF it works, that is.

I installed the VSCodium on my Raspberry Pi through Snap without any issues. I have started using it, installing the extensions that I like (Markdown, Todo+ etc) and some basic editing. I'll see if it lives up to my demands...

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET "The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson