The Daily Update...

16th of June 2021

07:13:32 CET Good coffee drinking morning to ya all. Looking to be another day today and hopefully, today I'll have more time for a breather now and then.

07:24:08 CET Vivaldi 4.0 is here The new Vivaldi browser is here. Version 4.0 is packed with new stuff - adding even more nice features. I just had time to mention it earlier and now I decided to give it a go. It comes now with integrated email-, calendar- and feeds functionalities. Even though they are in Beta, it's working nicely. Notes, another web panel, is however my favourite feature. I like the setup and all the smart and practical functions. Since it's based on Chromium, all extensions etc from Chrome are working seemingly.

19:02:24 CET Vivaldi 4.0 on my RPi 4b Desktop And now I am also running the Vivaldi Browser on my RPi Desktop installation. Great! Yesterday I had issues getting it installed, but this article Specific forum, someone else out there had the same issues... helped me out; installed it without a glitch. All my must-have extensions (Bitwarden, Onetab, Evernote, Surfshark etc) are running perfectly. Even the HUE Lights Theme Integration..!

2021-06-03 08:23:24 CET "There is still a lot to learn and there is always great stuff out there. Even mistakes can be wonderful." -Robin Williams