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The Daily Update...

20th of February 2022

20:48:47 CET It was an amazingly nice birthday yesterday. Not the most spectacular, but one of the most enjoyable for sure!

I believe I mentioned the breakfast and the morning. In the evening, J went for a birthday party celebration of two good friends (both their 18th birthday). H had booked the dinner at a restaurant called "Gå Nord" - a Scandinavian restaurant in Antwerp. It was fantastic; the food, the atmosphere and, of course,t he company.

For the rest, today was a complete day planned out for H and J to study biology. And what a great effort that was, a complete and proper course to study (over 100 pages to plough through) and complete for tomorrow. Crazy.

I took some time writing and investigating stuff. It was satisfying indeed, but how incredibly fast the day passed by. Now, I will zoom out and then go to bed...

Did you know? 18:11:43 CET Did you know... that today in 1967 Kurt Cobain is born, American singer-songwriter and guitarist.

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson