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The Daily Update...

27th of January 2022

17:10:16 CET It's been another day with a lot of meetings/calls and things to do at work. A lot of strategical and planning related topics. I mentioned earlier about some interesting movements for me specifically, but there are also a lot of things happening in the business and in the market that I am in. Pretty interesting (and and the same time scary/crazy) times that we are in at the moment.

The COVID cases are peaking where I live, schools actually decided to have online lessons tomorrow (due to the high number of teachers on sickleave). Hopefully the curve of the number of COVID cases is soon reaching its top and will decline soon.

SEO research 18:29:26 CET On the geeky side of things, I spent some time investigating in SEO - Search Engine Optimization. Very interesting read and I found some nice resources at Google Search Center. The links were saved at my BookmarksThe place where I collect some useful stuff on the internet. page. With the Google Search- and Analytics resources available to you, optimizing search hit rate and understanding the traffic that your website generates becomes a breeze!

Did you know? 17:12:16 CET Did you know... that today in 2010 Apple announces the iPad.

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson