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The Daily Update...

17th of September 2021

08:16:56 CET Finally the Fantastic Friday Coffee! All left the house and J is on his way to school on his moped. Hopefully without any issues. Cleaning the sparkplugSome details you'll find in this post seems to have done the trick!

Out cleaning lady will come soon, it's been crazy around the house with all the work done, so her suggestion of an additional visit is welcome. Couldn't have come in a better time.

Another busy day is about to start. I am also seeing a hectic weekend (hobbies, studying for math- and Chemistry tests, birthday party, work- and cleaning up the house...) coming up but I am trying to take one day at a time. Most of it is interesting, just that it all comes at the same time...

I believe it was yesterday I mentioned a couple of other things happening. The Bluecorner confirmation, getting back to the office and also something else that I didn't remember at the time. I figured out it was setting up the appointment for inspection of my car. You only need to go with a car which is older than 4 years here. The time has come for that.

The preparation work was done - getting electricity in order etc - which meant I could finalize the appointment with Bluecorner (provider of the car charger). I submitted everything - a completed form with pictures - to them and yesterday I finally received the confirmation. It's all on track!

Finally, after 18 months of home office on 100% basis, we are getting back to the office. Well, this time it's for everyone. I'll spare the details, but I am sure it will be all good in the end. Change management is not the easiest!

11:18 CET ...Techie tooltip text goes here... I have now been using, and tweaking, my web development environment for a while. This includes the complete setup of the framwork and the A to Z process. Now, I am really happy with it. What I felt was one of the most important thing to ensure is a unified environment independent of systems - it should be identical on a Windows computer, a Mac and Linux. I think I have now found it!

Here is a little summary:

Version control, content management, web hosting
- GitHub service
- GitHub Desktop (Windows and Mac)
- Git Cola (Linux/Raspberry Pi)
HTML, CSS editing/framework
- Visual Studio Code (Windows and Mac)
- VSCodium (Linux/Raspberry Pi)
Development framework
- Bootstrap 4
- Fontawesome

Hum, I should better just extend this post into an article and submit it to MediumMy profile at Medium where I sometimes post articles!..?

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET "The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson