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The Daily Update...

27th of November 2021

11:24:23 CET Woke up to a beautiful day, sun, cold but clear blue sky. We could enjoy the breakfast together before the day started.

Study, study and study some more , the time before exams is starting. The only thing we are hoping for is to stay healthy during this time as there are a lot of people around us are sick - flu and COVID. It's enough as it is.

Yesterday was a day full of driving around and taking backups. Except of working of course. I try to take backups regularly - all my Raspberry Pi computers/servers (using Clonezilla to the NAS) and the main Windows "family workstation" (using AOMEI Backupper to the NAS). The MacBook is being backed up separately (with Time Machine to an external hard drive). There is also a NAS backup process - a semi raid type process. The process is fairly streamlined, but it's something that you have to block some time for as it is a critical thing to do. Terabytes of vital data is important to keep safe !

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson