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The Daily Update...

19th of November 2021

08:48:50 CET With my coffee I am contemplating over yesterday. Yesterday was a nice evening, or strange with nice moments, I should maybe better say. We went back and forth to Antwerp in the evening and already going there it was crazy much traffic and accidents. Getting into the city center was a mission as well. What a strange atmosphere it was - such a stressful, unfriendly and unpleasant feeling in the air - when we finally got there. Strange, such a contrast from driving into the beautiful Antwerp. Later in the night there were police patrol cars parked and the police were controlling something what felt like an ongoing riot of sort. It felt stronger as it was happened just where we had to pass, outside the car.

The nice moment I was referring to was going away from that stress-bubble and back to our village and into a restaurant (we do have quite a few). We tried a new place which was pretty OK, easy-going and charming atmosphere. So actually just the opposite feeling from just before.

16:48:17 CET Yes, the Raspberry Pi Keyboard and mouse arrived today. I already tested it out and it works perfectly. The setup of adding a new keyboard layout (Swedish thus) was effortless. Great stuff!

Check thisPiHut delivers again - great services and correct shipment...again. out, what a beauty.

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson