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The Daily Update...

18th of November 2021

07:48:34 CET We're all up early with our chores - making breakfast/general preparations, feeding cat/cleaning litterbox and getting ready for school. It's nice when it works in the morning, it's a nice being tired but still feeling rested, nice getting everything ready around the house when it's still dark and cold outside. Enjoying my coffee to the fullest!

The Covid regulations put in place yesterday are indeed stricter, but nothing really new. The mouth protection is enforced and working from home is the norm again. Back to the new normal...

Good morning!

I am so happy it's fixed! 09:12:15 CET If you're using the integrated translation function on this page, you have probably noticed that all the icons are broken. Not any longer, that belongs now to the history! Now you can use my enhanced translation function (link is at the top right of the page)

The details; I used to make an internal reference to the Fontawsome icon CSS - I basically installed the complete library. Once the user click on the translation, Google will change the source destination making an cross referenced link expression. This, interestingly enough, is against the latest security guidelines of Chrome browser and it will generate an CORS exception which results in a broken link (and you could not see the icons). Long story short; I am not using direct references to Fontawsome's CSS instead (which I found here at Fantastic!

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson