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The Daily Update...

24th of November 2021

14:59:23 CET Enjoyed, as always, the coffee this morning. It was an early start (have the picture to prove it) with work adn then followed with the new normal. I like it, enjoying the car in the morning, music and talks with my son. I will surely miss it once the moped is back.

The moped was delivered yesterday to the tyre central. I was promised to hear from them early the next day. Which is today. Which didn't happen. Yet!

OpenSCAD is so much fun! 17:48:00 CET A little 3D printing and CAD related tip, namely the application called OpenSCAD. As it's explained on the siteThe OpenSCAD homepage. Great stuff! what it is " software for creating solid 3D CAD objects." It's just done differently, not by drawing the objects, but "program" them. It's really nice, and fun way of creating.

Even more fun, I installed it on one of my Raspberry Pi:s and it works great. I have already made my first attempt...hereThis is how my first attempt of creating a little enclosed box (still have to design the lid) looks like in CURA slicer after it was exported as an .STL file.!

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson