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The Daily Update...

26th of November 2021

08:26:05 CET All have left and I am back to how it used to be; enjoying my coffee in front of the computer. It's getting lighter outside, it's just before I have to go back to the morning calls...

But, I surely miss stepping into the pre-heated car, listen to some music and talking with J while driving to his school. Even the morning traffic was bearable then.

The moped is back (and out on the streets) again from spending some time in the tyre center. The inner tube and valve of the front tyre were changed. They balanced and filled the tyres accordingly, but the tyres seems extremely hard. I can't remember them being inflated to that extent. But, I guess we have to trust the specialist.

18:51:31 CET I can not believe it's already December. The Christmas is at the doorstep. We have taken the decision to go completely full out , over the top , crazy with the Christmas decorations and creating a real Christmas feeling this year.

Mocka's (the street cat we're taking care of) Christmas tree and Christmas themed/inspired house are already in place. She is a little bit suspicious about the house but by Christmas she will love it.

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson