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The Daily Update...

22nd of November 2021

22:33:59 CET I enjoyed the thermos coffee mug again. No, not because I have to drive to the office, but because I have to drive J in the morning. The moped still has a flat tyre. I do actually enjoy it. Having a little break, sipping coffee, talking with J ...when ever he doesn't have to studying in the car (teenage time management) .

I have been using the AudioWagonAs you might have noticed, I have been writing earlier about AudioWagon audio player in the car now for a couple of days. I really like the functionalities and the audio quality is great! Such a big different from Spotify (it might be due to the fact I don't have Spotify Premium). AudioWagon does however have straight forward solid functions and I like the idea of maintaining the complete music repository on a USB stick. The cool thing is that it's out of Beta version now, latest version is 1.10.0. and it should be possible for anyone to use it.

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson