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The Daily Update...

12th of November 2021

07:53:44 CET Back in the mines again. Coffee is needed! It's only for one day and then it's weekend. But forget about resting, it will be a busy, busy weekend.

This evening we are invited to have dinner at friend C. I wonder what he'll think about the car, it will for sure be a surprise I think.

13:46:22 CET I am waiting for my order to be delivered. Something interesting that I found for my P*2 is the audio player called AudioWagon. It's still in beta stage and you need to request to become a beta-tester to be able to install it - I have it now installed in my car. It's an interesting app that focus on music quality, and it plays music off of a USB stick. To be able to use my USB stick, I needed to get a USB-C to USB-A adaptorThe USB-C to USB-A adaptor I am waiting for... and thus my order I am waiting for...

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson