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The Daily Update...

9th of October 2021

22:29:51 CET Nice coffee this morning, at least from what I can remember. Feels like ages ago. I even believed I did the daily update today. It was great weather, the stroll in the park today did wonders!

I have the feeling that I slept long but still felt tired today. Could it be because it was a broken night? We went to bed early and then woke up at 02:30 when J was home. We had a quick update, made sure all was good and then back to bed around 03:00.

Neighbour M was over here for dinner. It was a turbulent week for them, to say the least. First, they received good news and it was bearable, noses were above the surface and pointing in the right direction. Then, the next day, they got the worst kind of news which got them sinking uncontrolled down in the water. BUT, before the day was over, some constructive talks and the light was back again. Terrible! How fragile life can be...

OK, time to get horizontal

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET "The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson