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The Daily Update...

8th of October 2021

13:33:32 CET Busy, busy workday, I only got the time to have lunch now (but stayed alive with many cups of coffee).

YES, J is coming back from the school excursion today . The plans so far is that he will basically come home, refresh himself, eat and head out again.

22:29:54 CET J arrived around 18:30 and all had been great. Surely something he'll remember for a long time from what I can judge when I hear him talking about it. Great stuff! But now, as planned previously, he went out to see his friends.

23:20:02 CET Vivaldi released version 4.3 yesterday! As you might know, I have been using VivaldiHere it is...THE browser! for a while as my browser of choice. Yesterday version 4.3 was released. The biggest update, except fixing generic bugs, was the enhanced screen-capture function. Very nice function always at hand nicely integrated which eliminates any external plugins etc.

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET "The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson