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The Daily Update...

8th of November 2021

11:42:33 CET The week started, it's the first week coming back from holiday for all of us...thanking the gods for coffee!

It's been a busy morning getting into the backlog at work - following up on emails and support tickets. I've only seen the nice weather outside through the window so far. Hopefully, I can enjoy it a little bit during lunch!

Something else, I am waiting for my PiHut orderI made a post about the high quality camera and Canon EOS adapter here... (the Raspberry HQ camera and Canon EOS adapter) to be delivered. Luckily, the package is getting tracked and I can see that it's reached the "mainland" at least. It's now in Germany, now it only needs to cross the border to the west into Belgium...

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson