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The Daily Update...

9th of November 2021

08:22:36 CET ...And the week continues. Today it was actually cold in the morning. As a parent, it's a bit worrying when J is leaving on his moped and it's slippery.

It must have been cold since it took some time before Mocka (our "street cat") decided to came for her breakfast. That's new! Normally she comes running like she'd never seen food before.

OK, I need to get going - cleaning lady A is arriving soon and calls are soon to start..

22:33:57 CET It arrived today. Yes, I received the Raspberry Pi High Quality camera and the Canon EOS lens adapter today. I only had the time to put it together and shoot the very basic first pictures with it. More to come tomorrow for sure! I can quickly just say that all looks great - my 3D printed casing, the tripod, the Canon lens and the camera module. Super excited!

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson