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The Daily Update...

13th of October 2021

16:10:06 CET The coffee this morning, that lasted almost until noon, was greatly appreciated! The day flew by, a lot of work, calls and tasks to do. All of a sudden it's 16:00 o'clock...

I watched an interesting Youtube clipThe MatterHackers Youtube clip is here. If you have an hour to spare and interested in this business, I recommend you to see it. about starting up a 3D-printing workshop. Oh, man I have missed 3d-printing! Since my Creality3d Ender 3 v2The official Creality page about this little beauty... machine has been tucked away for a while, away from dust and dirt while we were re-arranging the garage and, not to forget (but who can), all the work done on the home electricity setup. Anyway, about the Youtube clip; someone at MatterHackers interviewed three people who gave their insight in their 3D-printing business with is an ecommerce- and webshop community. A portal where you can sell your product from.. Very interesting and it got me dreaming...

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET "The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson