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The Daily Update...

25th of October 2021

08:25:58 CET All have left the house and I am enjoying my coffee while taking the opportunity to write this post. J drove with his moped to school a couple of minutes ago. I often sit and wait a while to make sure J doesn't need me. I do it especially on days like these; when it's rainy and gray.

So, today the last step of the electric car charger is happening - the final inspection is scheduled in the morning. That's huge! It's been a long and bumpy ride. I had to deal with a lot of people that I felt were in the wrong business. Rarely have I had the pleasure of dealing with someone who knows their craft, people who love what they are doing. Is that getting rarer these days? Take the other inspection guy who was here, a miserable little dictator who seemed to hate every second of his day. An inspection takes about 30-45 minutes, but Mr dictator was busy for more than 3 hours, nitpicking on everything he saw . Let's see how this guy will be...

22:39:32 CET It's alive! Sounds almost like what Dr Frankenstein (yes, Frankenstein was not the actual "monster") when the creature came to life. My home charging pointTurned on. Notice the green lights...Green means good. passed inspection (but not without struggle of course) and was turned on. I also got my recharge "fuel card" code today and I installed the app - everything is an app these days - on my mobile phone. I am so close I can smell it... (I hope I won't smell anything though. It would be a bad sign.)

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET "The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson