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The Daily Update...

20th of October 2021

12:16:58 CET Different routines this morning as all of us are home - J didn't need to go to school today. Early start with conference calls and planning the daily tasks. All was much more enjoyable with the splendid cups of coffee.

Yesterday evening I could finalize and prepare the 3D printing project I am working on - the "grounding connection cover" as I mentioned yesterday. When trying out stuff yesterday evening I found a nice little print job which gave me interesting ideas for another small upgrade of the "Creative Corner" installation - funny how that goes; how the smallest of things can leads to new ideas. I will create a wall mounted tools board (using a modular 3D-printed peg system). Anyway, cool stuff, another mini project in parallel.

So for the "grounding connection cover"; I could start the 16+ hours print jobSome 15 hours to go... this morning...

18:31:46 CET Big, no wait, HUGE news! My P* is here... Exciting news! I discovered (that's how it was) that my carHere it is, the car I ordered! is getting delivered soon. I approved the delivery of 28th of October at 11:30... just a week from now! How cool is that !!!!

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET "The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson