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The Daily Update...

16th & 17th of October 2021

11:03:33 CET What happened? Where did my daily update for 16th of October go? Well, where did the day go? Short answer; I do not know, the day just flew by.

Coffee, dad's birthday song and then it all began; study, J to guitar lesson, walk in the parkMy 3.6 km walk capture at Strava, some more study and then we were invited for a party (to celebrate "the last communion"). Then J had a party to go to, the first organized kind since lockdown. Without giving away too much details, that kept us up until around 04:00...

The schedule for today is very easy; study physics. It will keep us busy for the complete day, for sure!

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET "The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson