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The Daily Update...

19th of October 2021

09:04:16 CET Coffee, hectic, study, dark, rain ...what's new - an ordinary October morning in a workweek. Sitting on the edge of my bed earlier this morning, struggling to get my socks on, I thought back on our last holiday together. It seemed so long ago. Where did the time go? On one side, it felt like I was not ready for what would come...Can we start over? And this time, I would be better prepared. But on the other hand, I really don't want to go back and relive it all again. Anyway, I am sure it's for the best and there is a lesson in there somewhere...

As mentioned yesterday, I started thinking about a new 3D printing project. I am thinking of making a cover for the connection point of the grounding (which, for whatever unsafe reason, is entirely in the open). I am done with the first draft of the design in FreeCadFirst draft in Freecad. It should be about right size to cover the open connection point - about 130 mm * 210 mm.. But before starting that job (it should be a print of about 18 hours), I thought I'd do a test print. A small one, just to see that everything works fine after the move - it's not been used in weeks! Good that I did so, I started a small 3 hours job (a box for screws) and noticed that it was warping. And the warping was pretty severe! I will still use the box, but it was a good indication that something is not optimal. I can exclude any issues with the STL and the Slicing process since I am using an old existing gcode file. Yesterday evening I started with the most common reason for warping - the printer-plate levelling adjustment. This morning I was ready to start the same print job again. It's not ready yet, but it's looking already much betterIt's already looking better, no warping visible. (I don't want to jinx it though, it's only at 50%)!

22:30:24 CET Fantastic news; our neighbour lady D is back home after the 6 weeks long treatment. Welcome home to an amazing fighter...

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET "The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson