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The Daily Update...

16th of November 2021

08:24:59 CET Another bright (not really, it's still dark outside) and nice day to wake up to. Enjoying the coffee to the news that there is another "covid-get together" planned for tomorrow. It's suggested to, as they do in most of the European countries, stricter rules...

11:32:07 CET I had to pause my update this morning as J needed to access the computer and then stuff kept on comming in between... Yes, as I was saying...Tomorrow we'll see what the new Covid regulations will be. If it's something thought-through this time or something half-hearted again.

11:45:59 CET J is home sick today per perscription from the doctor. Luckely, he will not miss too much from school as he is able to make a test online. It's not really a test per se, but more of an assesment for what is suited for his future educational path. It seems to be a really thorough test, they will have to block at least three hours of effective online time to complete it - it's covering everything from who you are, the general knowledge base and interests etc. I hope he can keep his focus that long, if I am thinking about how a teenage-brain works. I remember how it felt like when I "put up with" a simular assesment for military service...

18:14:59 CET I don't think I mentioned it, but I ordered from The PiHut storeSo far, PiHut has been a brilliant experience! I ordered the Raspberry Pi HQ camera from them the last time... again - the official Raspberry Pi keyboard and mouseThe official keyboard and mouse from PiHut ...with the Swedish layout! kit. Why, you wonder? Well, I will tell you... It was because I could order with the Swedish keyboard layout. Brilliant, I can use it with my RPi:s, but also for any other system I have (MAC, IPad, laptop etc).

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson