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The Daily Update...

15th of November 2021

08:33:26 CET Enjoying the morning coffee, it's dark outside and from the kitchen, I can smell the porridge as it's almost done. I am contemplating over the weekend that was - a strange one for sure!

In times of pandemic with the new procedures in place, getting sick is a stressful thing to endure. It used to be that one would feel bad - sore throat and fever as in this case - and we would simply go to the doctor and get it looked at. Today, it's a mission to get an appointment to be tested, wait for the result and then, in the best-case scenario, one could get help from a doctor. Anyway, just an extremely time consuming and stressful experience that entirely put the weekend "upside-down".

Another aspect of things is that the world has changed, the sense of solidarity, service and, as scary as it might seem, friendliness has changed. It's a harder and more egoistic world we are living in these days. Maybe it's not as evident if you are not dealing with it daily. And, also, for some people, it's still OK. For some, it simply doesn't matter...

Anyway, morning thoughts... Let's get some more coffee. Let the day start...

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson