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The Daily Update...

13TH of November 2021

21:19:51 CET OK, so it's like how it is for every parent who's got kids between 5 and 20. Yes, they will stay kids even way past their 20s... probably past 40 in certain aspects! Remember I indicated that the whole weekend was pretty much planed out. Well, forget about it as we discovered this morning. Completely out the window and start from scratch again.

We arrived late last night after the brilliant evening at friend C. We enjoyed a nice pasta, followed by ice cream and then a Spanish speciality (shots in fluent form). J came home a bit later, around 2 in the morning, but he did not feel very well. No, not all due to intoxication but just feeling "under the ice". Feverish and out of form in general. We took the temp and it was not a pleasant discovery - slight fever. We prept him and made sure all was good before all of us going to bed. What would the morning bring?

So...this morning it was a bit shaky and we have been working to fight the fever. We got tips from J's grandmother and trying to not panic but knowing how extremely important following weeks are, everything coming up and how tight the schedule is for J and the exams coming up doesn't make it easier. First thing was making sure it's not Covid. If it would be we'd be completely screwed! Home test done and all looked fine, a negative test (whish is positive) thus. Kind of a relief, but still have to see how the fever goes. If it continues we have to do an official covid test on Monday! OK, but that is for later worries...

So, all plans completely changed - math tutoring cancelled, guitar lesson cancelled, our visit to our beloved ladies neighbours all school work planned...Never ending. It's basically been constant busyness today.

So... let's see what tomorrow brings. Why making plans...

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson