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The Daily Update...

19th of September 2021

12:09:56 CET Late breakfast together, enjoying the Sunday coffee tremendously.

Now let's start the first task of the day, guidance in schoolwork! One of the most important task of a parent these days! So, firstly; math.

16:40 CET Math session done. Went really good! As a nice break before continuing with chemistry we played some basketball - shooting some hoops in the garden.

17:07:24 CET Some Git research done I was looking into how I best work on updating content from multiple computers (stage changes, checking in and out) and then finally push/publish it to the Git repository .

I started reading/consulting the best online Git cheat sheet I know (I just added it in my bookmarkscheck my resource collection here) and figured out that the best option is to work with temporary branches. I tried it out on the repository but I have to get used to it and work on the workflow.

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET "The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson