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The Daily Update...

7th of October 2021

18:40:18 CET OK, a lot happened since the last update and I begin at the end - today. It was an office day today and with J not at home the morning routines are different. I was on the road (=in traffic) at 08:00 o'clock this morning (terrible, we forgot that J's alarm clock was set at 05:00), but still only arrived at work at 09:16. What a waste of time...

I saw my colleague D for the first time in more than 18 months. It was nice seeing him, but it was like nothing new has happened. Once the coffee (again my trustworthy thermos coffee mug) from home ran out I had no choice but to head to the vending machine... So, I haven't missed that beveragethe coffee at work.

My dad had an appointment at 13:00 today with the neurologist. Scary stuff that. 1.5 hours (and 8 minutes of tests) later I got wonderful news from my mom. Actually it was better than best case scenario! They found the brain.... just joking! The feeling I got when I heard news was on the same level as when becoming-a-dad myself. indescribable! It's been processing in my head for a while...

At about the same time, our neighbour D is scheduled for an important doctors appointment and I am getting ongoing updates around that. What strikes me is what an mind boggling role a doctor has! Also applicable for how it is for my dad. At a very vulnerable stage doctors play a critical role. Yesterday it gave hope, today it was destroyed by another doctor by few coupe of words!

I get a call in the office that our trustworthy electrician is doing the final work (changing a 32 amp fuse to a 25 amp fuse to be compatible with the home chargerYes, this is the one. The one I have been fighting for so long!) in the garage. All went fine (I had to tell some important information from the previous technician) in the end. I think the end, the light in the tunnel, is visible. I had to do the communication and coordination to Blue Corner and Leaseplan. Me, as the customer, has to be the glue between two instances. I have to think about that... It's on my cost, my energy...

Throughout the day, J is in France at the seaside. He will only be back on Friday. Friday EVENING! It's a busy schedule for him and I am sure it will be a memory for life!

OK, with all the turbulent news for our neighbour M - hope and despair - she's only arrived home now, hope she can enjoy the wonderful food H prepared for her.

2021-08-23 12:14:23 CET "The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson